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'Trouble' is by various artists, Pink probably being the most recognised.

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Bridge Over Troubled Waters

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Q: Who sings trouble?
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Who sings Trouble by Elvis?

probably Elvis

Who sings the song with the lyric trouble trouble trouble in the new target commercial with the dog?

Ray LaMontagne sings the song in the dog food commercial. Great voice, great song. Look for it on you tube.

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Malford Milligan. He also sings for Stevie Ray Vaughan's former band, Double Trouble, and Storyville.

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The song is 'Trouble' sung by Shampoo (Jacqui Blake and Caroline Askew).

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The songs Zazu sings to Scar are "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen", "It's a Small World", and "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts".

What is the name and who sings the song featured in the M and M commercial containing lyrics 'this is the day'?

It's called "this is the day" by The The you can youtube it, i had trouble finding it on limewire

What is Justin Bieber attitude about his song?

JUSTIN BIEBER'S attitude toward his song 'PRAY' is about his belief christianity. he sings about how when people or you are in grief and trouble u should speak to the lord jesus. But in his other songs like 'BABY' or 'ONE TIME' he sings about love.