Leonard Cohen
Akon was the the one who sang "Dangerous".
The New Seekers sang Circles back in 1972.
thom bell sings that song thom bell sings that song thom bell!
Serchin, was a song sang by The coasters and then later by The young divas.
they sang part of the song "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen before singing their own song called "Hallelujah."
Gali Atari and "Milk and Honey" were the winners of the Eurovision with Hallelujah in 1979.
Leonard Cohen
The Canton Spirituals
Yes, he sang Hallelujah as arranged by Ben Cohn during the National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala in Raleigh, North Carolina on 10 December 2011.
yes, she sang Hallelujah at the Olympics
"Hallelujah" is a song by Leonard Cohen originally released on the 1984 studio album Various Positions.
No, Elvis never sang or recorded Leonard Cohens "Hallelujah", since that song was written 7 years after Elvis died... Very difficult for him to record anything then, 7 years dead... The video in YouTube, claming it to be Elvis, is Ron Jesse singing... in 2011...
KD Lang
The Human Year - Regina Spektor
One example of using "hymns" in a sentence is, "We sang traditional hymns at the church service on Sunday."