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Peter, Paul and Mary

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

peter, paul and Mary

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Q: Who sings the song Blowing in the Wind?
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Who sings the song beginning how many roads?

Bob Dylan. The song is called Blowing in the Wind.

Who sung the song that robin wright-penn sings in the movie forest gump?

Bob Dylan - the song is called "Blowin' in the Wind".

Who sings riding a harley Davidson long blonde hair blowing in the wind?

Neil Young. Unknown legend is the song's name.

What song begins with wind blowing and sad violin?

sad song

The wind sang her mournful song through the falling leaves.?

The wind was blowing.

What is the song Huh that Rick Ross sings?

bmf (blowing money fast)

Who sings the song September?

Earth Wind and Fire

What was Bob Dylan doing in the wind?

He's been doing more then one thing in the wind. In the song Blowing In The Wind, he said The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. In the song Subterranean Homesick Blues he was telling us you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Who sings the song Will of the Wind?

The person who sings the song "Will of the Wind" is originally "Jim Photoglo". There are however many covers for the song by freelancing singers which can be found in places like youtube. These are called cover songs.

Who sings the song on the Butlins 2011 advert?

Kansas - dust in the wind

Who sings the song i am the wind from castlevania symphony of the night?

Cynthia Harrell...

Did Bob Dylan write the song Blowing In The Wind?

Bob Dylan's album, "Blowing in the Wind" was released to the public in 1964, two years after the debut of his first album. The song "Blowing in the Wind" was not released to the public until his second album.