The song is called Time To Go, sung by lead vocalist Tom Chaplin from the band Keane.
It's Our Time - Peter Raeburn - Chivas commercial 2011
Chelsea Williams - she sings at 3rd street promenade in santa monica, ca all the time.
it's called 'Before I Knew' by Basia's her MySpace page:
The font that the word Monk is written in is Gil Sans Ultra Bond. This was taken from a word document I wrote it in :- ( I wrote it a few time to show I actually did it myself and didn't get it off a website.) MONK MONK MONK MONK Thank you for looking.
Toy Jackpotby BLACKALICIOUS.The song can be downloaded for free on the target website.
Landon Digg - Falling for you because i listen to it all the time i can even say a little of it :)
Toy Jackpot - Blackalicious
Kristin Chenoweth
It's Our Time - Peter Raeburn - Chivas commercial 2011
not sure which commercial you are referring to but Dawes- "when my time comes" is in their newest ad
Chloe Roe sings this song.
Peter Gabriel, "Big Time", So (Album), 1986
The artist is Chairlift, the song is "Bruises"
The name of that song is "Time To Go", by Kean.
Alright by Supergrass Music group Click-5 sings one of the Universal Studios' commercial songs for the commercial I last saw/heard in April 2008. Song is called "Time Machine".
Chelsea Williams - she sings at 3rd street promenade in santa monica, ca all the time.
The 2011 Christmas commercial that Time Warner is airing contains a song by Guster, "Tiny Tree Christmas ♫ ... and then appears a perfect Christmas time"