The song that is used as WWE Layla's theme is titled Insatiable. It is performed by Patsy Grime. Layla is signed on as a WWE Diva.
Light a Fire by Nuts in a Blender.
He sang his WWE Song BE MY BABY TONIGHT! HE NEVER SANG HIS THEME SONG! His TNA theme is sung by Dale Oliver.
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Brand New Sin sang Big Show's new theme song "Crank it Up"
Alex Riley's theme song is performed by Downstait, the same people who recorded Dolph Ziggler and The Miz's theme songs.
Christian does
James A. Johnston sings her theme song.It says it on the WWE Voices CD.
The Miz
Rev Theory.
Christy Hemme's WWE theme was called "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives. :D
age against the machine
adelitas way
my nan
Its "Seether", with "Out Of My Way".
Evan Jones
Burn it to the ground.