george benson
Actually George Harrison sang it, but John Lennon wrote it :]
culture club
Orianthi Panagaris, an Australian guitarist who was to perform with Michael Jackson during his concert tour in London
It's called John the revelator by Curtis stigers and the forest rangers
They went to his funeral to say the last gooodbyes to george harrison. Paul and Ringo went and sang a song for him. They all had wine. They went home and got flowers and placed them on a photo of him.
Smokey Robinson sang a song at Blue's funeral on the Temptations movie.
Marian Monroe sang after his funeral procession.
Susan Graham
Mahalia Jackson
Metropolitan Opera singer Denyce Graves - President Gerald R. Ford funeral.
wet wet wet
Chandra Currelly Young
I know at least one person. Mahalia Jackson. She sang "Take My Hand, Precious Lord" at the funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Pink sang Raise you glass. Avril Lavigane sang Smile.