Elvin Bishop wrote it, I guess he sang it. Mickey Thomas sang lead on Elvin Bishops "Fooled around and fell in Love" he was also later the lead singer of "Jefferson Starship"
monie love Actually the Spinners sang this song that was written by Stevie Wonder.
There is a song in the VeryPoter Musical. Ron and Mouthboy sing I`m falling in love with herminie Granger.
The Monotones-1958
Elvis Presley
i think love is caring for the person or friend
two people fell in love
The Song They Sang... When Rome Fell was created in 2002.
The Del Lords
Fred Johnson on the Love Notes Album
monie love Actually the Spinners sang this song that was written by Stevie Wonder.
She has sang way more than 1, SEARCH on the internet, I know Release me, On and On, Right here Right now, What a feeling, love is all around, now that I found love, love love love, for love, the music in me, And I am sure there are many more!
they were sang by slaves. they sang about love or life troubles
Who sang you Fight For Love in the movie Commando?
Love like Woe is sang by The Ready Set.
Eminem and Rihanna sang I love the way you lie
me sang...