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Edith Piaf

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Q: Who sang hymne a l'amour?
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Who sang Hymne A L'amour at the D-Day 60th anniversary ceremony in 2004 in Normandy?

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What group sang Love me Forever?

Grace Lamour- original, later Roomates.

When was Sachsen Hymne created?

Sachsen Hymne was created in 1890.

When was Hymne à l'amour created?

Hymne à l'amour was created in 1950.

What has the author Hymne Weiss written?

Hymne Weiss has written: 'Diep in die blou stilte'

How do you say anthem in french?

Hymne the national anthem, l'hymne national a national anthem, un hymne national

When was Marguerite Lamour born?

Marguerite Lamour was born in 1956.

How tall is Charlese LaMour?

Charlese LaMour is 178 cm.

How tall is Dorothy Lamour?

Dorothy Lamour is 5' 5".

How tall is Lexi Lamour?

Lexi Lamour is 5' 8".

What is french chez lamour translation?

Chez Lamour means "At Love's"

What is the moroccan national anthem called?

"Hymne Chérifien"