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Q: Who sang fancy?
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Does Beyonce fancy usher?

No, they sang a duet together though.

What is 'sang' when translated from English to Italian?

"Sang" in English is Ho cantato ("I sang"), Hai cantato ("You sang"), Ha cantato ("He sang," "She sang"), Abbiamo cantato ("We sang"), Avete cantato("You all sang") and Hanno cantato ("They sang") in Italian.

What is a word for not fancy?

Plain is the opposite of fancy.

What is the adjective of the word fancy?

The word 'fancy' is an adjective (fancy, fancier, fanciest), a word that describes a noun; for example a fancy hat or a fancy party.The word 'fancy' is also a noun (fancy, fancies), a word for a whim or a fantasy; and a verb (fancy, fancies, fancying, fancied), to visualize or imagine, and to like.

When was Sang pour sang created?

Sang pour sang was created on 1999-09-13.

How do you say fancy dress in german?

Fancy dress = Kostüm Fancy dress ball = Kostümball Fancy dress ball = Maskenball Fancy dress party = Kostümfest

What makes you fancy a boyfriend?

i want some one to fancy me because i fancy them

What is the simile for sang?


Why were the blues sang?

they were sang by slaves. they sang about love or life troubles

When you were at school you sang in the choir sang or sung?

Either "You sang" or "You have sung," but never "You sung."

How do you say sung in Spanish?

You need context to for me to answer the question but it would be any of these 6: I sang- canté you sang- cantaste he/she sang- cantó we sang- cantamos you all sang- cantasteis they sang- cantaron

Use the word fancy in a sentence?

At the fancy dinner party Christina drank sparkling grape juice and ate caviar.