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I'm not 100% sure, but i think it was a German Chancellor named Bismark.

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Q: Who said keep an iron fist in a velvet glove?
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What kind of glove help keep your hands dry the best?

Any glove that isn't made of cotton, such as leather, will keep your hands dry.

How do you spell gluve?

What you wear on a hand to keep it warm is a glove.

Why does the front seal keep blowing out of your rebuilt velvet drive?

pump is shot!

Where should you keep your vehicle registration?

in your glove box

Are there any velvet PSP accessories that aren't abrasive?

Valvet by nature is abraisive, instead of velvet, consider something like a leather case, which will keep it safe and not be as rough.

What is the function of a latex glove?

To keep stuff off of your hand.

What things can go inside a car glove box?

You can keep your car's manual, car's registration and insurance information in a glove box.Other things you might keep in a glove box include:TissuesChange for parking metersGlovesHand Sanitizera flashlight - change batteries regularlybeef jerky - for an emergency

Do you have to keep the gun in your vehicle in the glove box?

That depends on the laws of your state.

What are Machiavellian traits?

This answer almost universally comes from Machiavelli's The Prince. Colloquially it means to rule with an iron fist, but a more complex interpretation would be that it means to rule with subtlety and carefully crafted plans to both maintain the population, and keep your enemies at bay.

What famous pop star wears only one glove?

No one else wore one glove. Michael wore one glove because he had vitlilgo on his right hand and he wanted to keep it covered.

Can you store pickles in iron containers but why?

because iron keep food fresh

What do your body and iron nails have in common?

The nail is made from iron and we need iron to keep us healthy x