That was Daily Metropolis editor Perry White. The newspaper of the DC Superman comics series. Perry White said "Great Ceasar's Ghost."
It is said that when someone commits a felony, such as a murder, the person's ghost will live on, seeking revenge. You will start to see them in your dreams and relive that fateful day/night over and over again. Some people believe that the ghost will haunt and kill the murderer by possessing his/her body. With that said, I don't believe that Carmen's ghost actually killed the girls who pushed her. I do believe that the girls were possessed by her, though and she drove them to kill themselves.
It's called Jerk it out" by The Caesars. Ritam :)
Washington Irving
Ghost, the witch has better powers but it couldn't touch the ghost, so ghost would win.
Little Boots - Ghost
Where did the saying great ceasars ghost come from
Caesars ghost
to foreshadow the defeat of brutus in the battle at phillipi
Brutus sees a vision of Caesar's ghost, at the end of Act Four.
Caesars sole or ghost
to tell brutus that he would see him at philippi
there is no such thing as ghost Or, it is simply the ghost of you great great great grandfather.
Caesar's ghost says he comes to tell Brutus that he (Brutus) will see him (the ghost) at Philippi. But this is not what he means. What he means is that Caesar will be revenged on Brutus at Philippi
The Great Ghost Rescue was created in 1975.
he wanted the best for his people as said in his will and he was able to control them easily
The Great Ghost Rescue has 160 pages.
The ISBN of The Great Ghost Rescue is 0-330-39828-8.