"Bad Company" sang it in 1975
The song "Bad Company" by the band Bad Company was released in 1974. The singer claimed "it had never been done before, I think", in reference to writing a song with the same title as the band's name.
The Foo Fighters. It was on a 2003 Australian EP called "Have it All."
This is a Thin Lizzy song and Bad Company did not cover this. I think this song is from the album "Jailbreak." If you download music from LimeWire or some other P2P service, they always have songs like this mislabeled.
Disturbed remade it
Bad Company - song - was created in 2009.
Bad Company's debut album, Bad Company, included the song "Bad Company."
the cardigans
The band Bad Company wrote the song Bad company... Off the self-titled album Bad Company. It may sound funny but it is what it is lol. You can look it up on YouTube if you like.
The Ramones
No one
Magic -- Honor Society remake of the cars song magic
Probably a song that has been remade over and over.
Angel Mary & The Tennessee Werewolves