Cameo 'Candy' is also the name of a duet by Iggy Pop and Kate Pierson ( B-52s ).
It is probably Big Maybelle, or Jackson 5.
Candy - Ash song - was created on 2001-10-01.
The song With Me was recorded by Sum 41. It was recorded in 2007 and appeared on the Underclass Hero album. The song was first performed live in January 2008.
i didnt see the movie, but it could be 50 cent. he has a song called candy shop
The song Sherry Baby was recorded by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. This song was released in 1962. The song is two minutes and thirty-two seconds in length.
Give it 2 Me' was recorded by Madonna. It was released on June 24, 2008. It featured on Madonna's eleventh studio album Hard Candy. The song was written by Madonna.
Candy Candy - Kyary song - was created on 2012-03-13.
It is probably Big Maybelle, or Jackson 5.
Candy - Ash song - was created on 2001-10-01.
Candy Rain - song - was created on 1994-08-15.
theres no such song i dont think
Michael Jackson did not sing Candy Girl, a band called New Edition did.
Tina Turner recorded the song 'The Best'.
Cloudy and the Chance of Meatballs is the movie that had the song cotton candy clouds...................
Candy Kisses - George Morgan song - was created in 1949.
Candy - Aggro Santos song - was created on 2010-05-03.
I'm not sure if this is the song you mean, but 50 Cent has a song called Candy Shop which features Olivia(Olivea?).