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Marvin Gaye re corded this song.

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Q: Who recorded Heard it through the gravevine?
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Who wrote you heard it on the grapevine?

The song "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" was written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong. It was first recorded by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles in 1966 and later popularized by Marvin Gaye in 1968.

Where was viva la vida recorded?

I think that I once heard it was recorded in spain, but it is a song about the French, supossedly about the French revolution or Napolean.

What is gravevine communication?

Grapevine communication is communication from one person to the next. For example you tell someone something, they then tell it to someone else, and so on until any people have the information.

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I heard that they recorded a scuba diver breathing underwater

What is another way to say overheard?

Synonyms for the word overheard: discovered, heard, recorded

What was the best selling song of 1967?

I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Marvin Gaye

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The legacy of oral storytelling recorded in literature provides authenticity, cultural richness, and a deep connection to heritage and tradition. It enriches literature with vivid imagery, oral tradition and folklore, and a unique storytelling style that has been passed down through generations.

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The last person in the New Testament who heard God speak was likely the apostle John, who received the visions recorded in the Book of Revelation on the island of Patmos.

What was Robert Frost's Favorite song?

This information is not given in his biography. When he was alive music had to be heard in person. His preference is not recorded. One type he NEVER heard is rock and roll.

How long can bird fly?

It depends on the species of bird. I heard the longest flight ever recorded was a week.

What means through the grape vine?

It means that someone heard it from someone who heard it from someone else who heard it from someone else, etc.