The director is higher ranked. The associate director works for the director. The associate director is the one that has to run errands, and do all the thing that the director doesn't want to do. The associate director is like the directors personal secretary. If I'm wrong about this then let me know. I'm dying to know.
No, an executive director is an employee of the company while a non-executive director is external. The executive directors have a say in the day to day running of the company while the non-executive directors are responsible for the proper function and probity of the company's boardroom decisions.
Kal Penn (Kutner), left the show House to work at the White House! He is going to be the associate director of public liaison in the White House office for Obama.
George Beckwith - Carl Jung associate - died in 1931.
Siddy Ranks is alive an kicking and still puttung out good music..check facebook,myspace.He resides in London England
Director: Jason ReitmanWriter: Diablo Cody
Oh, dude, it's like asking if pineapple belongs on pizza – some people love it, some hate it. But technically, in most organizations, the deputy director usually ranks higher than the associate director. It's like comparing a medium rare steak to a well-done one – both are directors, but one just has a little more juice to it.
An Assistant Director is higher than an Associate Director. So I imagine that the Senior Assistant Director is higher on the chain of command than the Senior Associate Director.
A Vice-President is higher than a director.
The short answer is Executive Director is much more senior than Associate Director.The usual ranking in investment banking from top to tea maker is:Board level - includes the CEO, CFO, COO, Chairman and other board membersManaging Director status (Senior Vice President)Executive DirectorDirector (or president)Associate Director (or vice president)Staff
In the United States of America, the producer can be higher or even to the director. In Europe, especially in France and Germany, directors are definitely higher than producers.
It really depends on the company, their duties and what your qualifications of "higher" are. If you mean higher as in pay then usually the VP. If you mean higher as in responsibilties and decision making then it's usually the director.
"Mr. Miller is the associate athletic director at Judson College." "He doesn't associate you with that incident."
In poker, a full house ranks higher than a flush.
In poker, a flush ranks higher than two pair.