

Dr. Hahnemann firstly proposed the theory of Dynamism and suggested for the force of life as 'vital force'.

Substance of subsistence

Deo favente, Genetics, ne plus ultra.

The naño energy is nothing but the most explicable ultimate form of Soul. Under the certain circumstances, it emerges in the organism as ultimate essence of life. In fact, it seems that, the Nature for itself is determining and explicating the E= mc2.

For the 'vital force, just now we are going to explore the link between accepted wisdoms of our earlier masters and current understanding. We are just exploring that, how do things even at that time would have appeared before imaginations of our great masters and why do they gave some very specific statements? And that, the same things, in context of today's reasoning, how stand before our perception.

The changeis rule of Galaxy and not even an atom is stationary in this universe; however, everything in Nature without any exception operates with exactitude[1]. Therefore, it's not necessary at all, that the truth of past would essentially be a truth of present. Then, how one can assume that the field of medical science would have immunity to this rule or Natural law?The field of medical science has also an ever-changing dynamic trait of the Nature. Thus, as facts emerge from the recent researches, the modification in explanations related to the understanding of life i.e. functions of human organelles, 'modus operandi' of the medicinal substances as well as management of the patients, has to be done as per realistic understandings. Like that of other faculties of science, the faculty of Homœopathy is also operating on the common highway of medical science. Therefore, it cannot be escaped untouched and remained unaffected from this Natural law.

Today we know that which substance is the core of survival and all episodes of life; however, let's see that what Hahnemann imagined[2] about this fascinating element of life and why. During the days of 18th-19th centuries and circumstances[3] of that time, in order to explain central dogma of Homœopathy, he was unavoidably forced to presume such a monarch element in the organism that may capably explain all the episodes of life and connect them effectively. Consequently, he conceptualized a theory of dynamism and hunt down a conceptual element in the interior of organism. An 'invisible' underlying principle taken birth in his mind, to which he called as 'life principle'. This spirit like 'life principle' was capable of operating all the episodes of life, from within the organism, and links them effectively.

In order to explain his own belief system, concerning 'similia', he strongly felt the need of such an element that may dynamically partake in the each and every activity of life and operations thereof, especially, during the course of sicknesses and cure. He seriously thought over it and found himself obliged to deduce a spirit like element in the organism. He implicated about this element as substance of subsistence. Therefore, while explicating all episodes of life, including 'modus operandi' of our medicines, he involved this element as underlying principle in his all explications. All through his inscriptions, he used this spirit like conceptual element as a principal tool in his explications. He made it the core of all emerging diseases and restoration point to establish health again. Finally, while promulgating this science -- the 'Homœopathy', he called it 'Life principle' and said it is a non-corporeal element.

For example: he said thatan'invisible''Life principle'occupies the every living organism. The disease cause or morbid forces operate likespirit on this 'Life principle' and derange it effectively. As a result, the disease manifestations appear in reflection to internal derangement of this 'invisible' 'Life principle'. Similarly, in order to explicate 'modus operandi' of our medicines and that how cure takes effect, he also determined an'invisible'dynamicpowerin the Homœopathic medicines. He supposed that, an 'invisible'dynamicpower do exists in all the Homœopathic medicines. He said about cure that, these medicinal substances, even in the most subtle form (infinitesimal form),after their employment to the corresponding victim of disease, nullify the effects or cause/s of the disease/s and cure patients. Up to certain extent his assumption has proved true.

At that time, since all the elements, involved in the disease process and cure,were really 'invisible', he conceptualized a theory of dynamism. It would be noteworthy here that, even in the forties of 19th century, hardly one or two description regarding discovery of cell[4] were present in the history of medicine; but it was not fully established at all. Despite that, old physician master Hahnemann extremely sagaciously and cautiously woven the conceptual treads of each and every element of life associated with health, sickness and cure. Thus, at present, his whole reflection offers an extremely incredible feeling. But, at that time, more than one-hundred-seventy years ago, it was considered as a true. However, presently, in this most advanced era, except for some aplastic Homœopaths, neither anybody is ready to believe on such 'conceptualorinvisible elements' nor scientific world recognizes his whole theme as an acceptable fact.

It was just before three years, from the death of Hahnemann, a principle elucidating that the plants and animals are made up of cells was given by the Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden in 1839. Therefore, hardly he would ever have heard of this major constituent of body. Suppose, if he had heard of cells, certainly, he might have seen no reason to change his theory of vitalism. On the basis of a very new theory, which is still to be established well, nobody will ever think to change an established concept at the end part of his life. But currently investigations have not only gone far ahead of the cells however scientists have discovered the most of constituents of the body. It has been discovered, as a matter of fact, that the unit of life is remarkably smaller than cells. After the Hahnemann, the cell was considered as a unit of organism. Now, the gene is considered as unit of life. They exist in the genetic material of entity.

Even if it is surprising reality that the most of his propositions are touching to the most recent understanding, accomplished via most scientific experiments, mistrust has aroused on his propositionsbecause of his earlier accepted wisdom devoid of currently available terminology as well as comprehensible technical knowhow. And so, this science failed to attract supports or attention of the people in general. Now, though the terminology has changed enough his most of propositions retained their original status. Therefore, we should have to provide a most innovative interpretation again to the scientific world related to the all episodes of life. However, we should have to do it in such a way and form that the truth shall become much evident and clearer than ever before. We should have to offer a most updated version of the earlier wisdom to the world scientific community as well as new generation of Homœopaths. It's the only aim behind my all inscriptions and labour.

The change is rule of universe:

On account of lack of real knowledge, Dr. Hahnemann symbolically called this fascinating element of life with different terms. In his first edition of 'Organon', he called it as 'Healing principle'. But, later-on, as he progressed deeper and deeper into his exploration task, he replaced his symbolic terms about half a dozen times furthermore. The evolutionary phenomenon might be obligated him to move ahead fast and consequently greater emendations taken place in his scripts. Of course, his adaptation mechanism in accordance with his own GC was helping him a lot to modify things properly. The 'organism', 'body' as well as 'state of health' were those allusive words which he repeatedly utilized in his later editions of 'Organon'; namely, second, third and fourth editions. Thereafter, all these terms were once again replaced and substituted by an extremely famous and pertinent but allusive word -- the'Vital force'. It was he establishedin the 5th edition of 'Organon'. Indeed, all this signifies the expansion of the boundaries of his conception, notions and evolution of his thoughts.

For the 'Vital force', until 6th edition of 'Organon' didn't see limelight, it was continuously in the hearts of all Homœopaths. This time was about ninety-years i.e. till the year 1921-22 AD --- 1832-1922 AD. Thereafter 'vital force' was discarded in the 6th edition of 'Organon' by Hahnemann. The Homœopathic fraternity found another new allusory word. Once again he replaced his famous former word, the 'vital force', by another new allusive term, the'Life principle'. Presently, this one-hundred-seventy years old allusive word, the'Life principle', which was slotted in during the year 1832-42 AD in the 6th edition of 'Organon', even if ittouches the extreme inner-man of entity and symbolically implicates the genes, seems to became lifeless and inappropriate. Therefore, because of the so many reasons, to which I will discuss later-on,for now, it would be worthy of considering to replace it again.

The 'Life principle' was owed to replace again, and so, I replaced it with new term 'Life energy'. I did it because of the 'Life energy' is much more elaborating term, unlike former ones, and it signifies a realistic approach as to our system of medication. Over and above, this new term signifies to the source of energy. The energy is must and always required for the necessary operations of life, which always remain ongoing in the organism, especially, during the process of revivification or apparent cure. It addresses the real inner-man associated with human creature, as well as the facts that have experimentally been proved so far. My proposed 'Life energy' fulfills the most of criteria discussed above. It's a most suitable term that could implicate the most innovative understanding associated with all episodes of life. It meets all the requirements necessary to explain whole scenario. All the activities and operations of 'Genes'[5], which actually goes on in the interior of organism can be addressed with this new term. While signifying operations of the genes, it also evidently implicates the real inner-man with more precision. Therefore, as being a most elaborative term, I recommend it to have its own place. Because, it alone can be a true substitute for the former allusive terms; as I personally feel it and deemed it fit for such substitution. Now, we will have a glance at the current understanding related to the substance of subsistence.

But, before presenting recent belief-system,in contrast to conventional world view, it would not be irrelevant here to put myself to the stone-test and offer my own wisdom relating to the 'Life energy'. Of course, I have to prove it scientifically that it's a most innovative term that can be a truesubstitute for the earlier 'life principle'. Therefore, now, I am going to offer you some concrete evidences in support of my most elaborative term. But, it's only for you to facilitate you in taking your own decision. While inscribing all evidences, it has taken for granted that the offered evidences would essentially be known to all the scholars of Homœopathy. Given that, it is expected from all students of science. The authenticity in every field is very necessary, especially, in the field of medical science. So that, while introducing a most elaborative term -- the 'Life energy', incidentally, if I shall come out with much more concrete evidences in favour of my worldview, it would be much better, appropriate and relevant here now.

The Ultimate View Of 'Life Energy':

I have seen several transcriptions of the original 'Organon of medicine'. In these texts, either author/s have tried to translate different editions of 'Organon'in different ways or factually translated the original manuscripts word to word. The author/s of these transcriptions although have claimed[6] enough that they have shown how 'Organon' is scientific; however, all in vain because of adequacy in explaining the things exactly. Only few progressive authors like Kent at several places negated the Hahnemann's notions and updated to things up-to-the-minute. For example: As regards 'vital force', Dr. Hahnemann in the 5th edition of 'Organon' innocently described it as a"unit of action"in the organism. But Dr. Kent exposing his unawareness concerning this element described in his philosophy that: "Hahnemann could perceive thisimmaterial vital principle. It was some thing he arrived of himself, from his own process of thinking. There was paucity of individual ideas at that time."[i]Whereas Dr. Hahnemann elucidating this element in the 5th edition of 'Organon' described that:"In the healthy condition of man the immaterial vital principleanimate the material body"[ii].Nevertheless, Dr. Kent suggested to consider it in such words and redressed his notions to some extent:"If he had used the words, immaterial vital substance, it would have been evenstronger for you will see it to be true that it is a substance."[iii]

Now look at both; however, not with contrary aspect but as a complementary phenomenon. These statements emerged because of the evolutionary phenomenon appertaining to both. Methinks, since both are strongly interrelated with each other and evidently elaborating the same truth; it appears that, the conclusion of Dr. Kent is much more closer to the recent understanding and facts -- the"Vital principle is a vital substance";as I have already been proved. Now, you may have obviously understood the fact. On account of lack of knowledge concerning factuality, both of them were calling it as an 'immaterial' substance.

Dr.Kent added furthermore in his inscription that:"at present day advanced thinkers are speaking of the fourth state of matter which is immaterial substance. We now say the solids, liquids and gases and the radiant form of matter."[iv]That radiant form of matter, to which Dr. Kent alluded to, is nothing but the current 'Plasma' state of matter. It is fourth state of matter. As regards this state of matter, Dr. Kent only heard of it. But, presently it has turned into reality. In this state of matter, the atoms of gases lose their electrons and become positively charged; however, only at extremely high temperature like approx. 35000c-40000c. It is an ionizedstate of gases. The plasma state of matter is currently considered as fourth state of matter. The development is still going on in our understanding, as regards Nature, and the things existing therein are also ongoing. Now, scientists are talking about fifth state of matter. A plastic has developed with different kind of molecules. Its atoms demonstrate magnetic phenomenon. Even a subatomic particle, which was a few years ago a conjectural concept, has now become a reality. The scientists have discovered a new particle in a specially designed huge underground laboratory. They named it as Higgs boson or God particle.

For the levelof existing knowledge of that era, the above mentioned facts themselves obviously expose the truth. Indeed, it was very much limited and wanting in context of present scenario and status quo of the truth. The gloom of unawareness is still prevailing in the Homœopathic fraternity and dominating it. We ought to accept reality -- the prevailing truth relating to the essence of life or substance of subsistence. Since current understanding unlike earlier mere inferential speculations, relies onto the scientific experiments as well as facts and findings obtained therein, it has open-heartedly recognized globally as an undeniable fact. As such you are already aware of the fact and know well that, only Hershey & Chase firstly confirmed the DNA is genetic material in the year 1952. It was about 110 years after the sad demise of Dr. Hahnemann. In view of this reality, therefore, since the truth was determined far after him; naturally, there is no question of incorporation of such a fact in his literature. He was totally unaware of the facts.

Presently we know all about genes and their chemical structure. We know today in-depth their role they play in the emergence of any phenotype. Of course, it includes all the traits that appear in the organism. We know today that how do they appear as well as why and how their normal attributes get changed or deranged. The genes are essential occupying elements of life. They do not only fabricate GC of entity but also whole creature itself. At present, we know that the genes are major cause of almost all phenotypes. It includes apparent health and all sicknesses. The causes of most of things have now come to our knowledge.

Every probable phenotype of any creature mostly depend on h(is/er) genome. As such all creatures more or less encompass abnormality in their genome, no one can be categorized as an absolutely healthy or normal individual. It means that, all creatures existing on this earth are apparently healthy in nature and no one can be ever found with absolutely normal genome. Now, this fact can now be obviously evaluated and verified by the genome reading of anyone. The various mutant elements always remained present in the GC of each one as well as in his organism. The overall development in all fields of medical science, especially, in the field of biotechnology, gave an incredible boost to this science. It offered us a revolutionary understanding. The any episode of life, which stumbles upon human beings, mostly not remained much concealed as they were in the time of Hahnemann. It came true because of the most of secrets, related to the 'Life principle' of Hahnemann that were 'invisible' and concealed in his time,are now in our knowledge.

As amatter of fact, on the basis of knowledge of genes as well as all their amazing capabilities, we can address almost all the episodes of life. They are capable of producing almost all the known and unknown, normal and abnormal proteins, hormones, enzymes and co-enzyme/s etc... You know it very well that, besides an unknown energy i.e. naño energy, all these elements animates the life of entity. This is the current understanding and reality of this era. Therefore, for this component of life, I considered it as a part of real dynamis. Together with naño energy, the genes operate like spirit of life. And so, I recognized it as 'Life energy'. Accordingly, the 'Life energy'can alone be a perfect successor of earlier 'life principle', propounded by Hahnemann. However, it's only for the convenience of Homœopathic physicians. In order to understand current knowledge easily and correlate the earlier wisdoms with present understanding, I felt it necessary; otherwise, nothing more than this for which such a nickname is required.

In addition to apparent health on all creatures, in harmony with the nature, the genes habitually bestow all idiosyncratic susceptibilities and all diseases. Whenever any creature faces environmental adversities and get exposed enough, and/or internal matrix become adverse, either may trigger off the mutant elements (gene/s) present in the organism. Consequently, selected mutant sequences present within mutant gene/s of entity effectively produce disease phenotype/s manifestly. The most of acute diseases encounteronly when contributory mutant genes however become operative due to environmentaladversities. Of course, it comes true as per susceptibilities of the organism and preprogramming. In view of aforesaid fact, mutant genes prove a major contributing element in all diseases and play a dominant role. They alone can often operate several disease phenotypes. Taking into consideration all probabilities, linked with any phenotype, 'Life energy' is nominated for the renaming of earlier 'life principle'. Let it be a question of underlying principle, regarding emergence of any disease, or be it a question of explaining the concept of cure, on the basis of geneswe can address almost all the episodes of life. Therefore, it alone can be a true substitute and adequate to explain earlier dynamis.

The genes synchronizing the sway of prevailing naño energy however undoubtedly control the whole organism. The naño energy is a transmuted ultimate form of solar energy. The synchronized effects of both -- the expressions of genes and naño energy, provide a concrete base to the life of organism. In addition to reasoning of mind, the genes dominate, animate and govern the each cell of entity; obviously, with the cooperation of solar energy in its naño form. Therefore, 'dynamis' cannot be considered other than genes and their allied products, which are the gift of Nature. In other words, the genes have incalculable value in life; however, only when the naño energy remained therein, which is essentially conferred upon all creatures for the higher purposes of their existence. The genes of all living creatures always remained impregnated with the naño energy. They all together offer such a healthy sway to the organism that prove indispensable for the sustainability of life. I am elaborating only those things here that have scientifically proven so far and globally accepted, recognized and established well. And then, I am correlating them with the most accepted wisdom[7] of Hahnemann and other masters.

Every living cell of the human organism within itself essentially has a little amount of galvanic current. It counts about more or less 0.0002 volts. But the organs like Pacemaker present in the human heart as well as brain produce a considerable amount of current. The mitochondria that exist in the cell cytoplasm are said the powerhouse of cell. They generate an enzyme which converts food into energy. For the normal activities and operations (performance) of the corresponding organ, the presence of this current in specific amount is not only necessary and but also obligatory and crucial for the entire organism.If the produced amount of current shall be proper in all respects, only then the heart shall operate efficiently and pump out adequate amount of blood in the circulation for the entire lifespan uninterruptedly. Similarly, the brain shall operate swiftly and precisely well, if the produced amount of current shall be proper in all respects. It utilizes produced amount of current for the conduction of impulses all through the organism via its nerves nets.

The Electro-Cardio Graphic ECG machine and Electro-Encephalographic EEG machine precisely quantifies produced amount of current of the corresponding organs. Like that of photovoltaic cells, which convert the light energy into electrical current (photo-electricity), the certain genes transmute or help to transmute biochemical energy into electrical energy; however, as per preprogramming. The biochemical energy comes from the foodstuffs we take in the organism or ingest. It is current status of understanding relating to the undeniable truth of Nature. It might be never in the notions of Hahnemann. At that time, neither he was aware of such elements nor would he ever have had dreamt of any such occurrence for futurities.

The genes are corporeal in nature and dominating almost all the episodes of life. The contemporary understanding recognizes that the genes are unit of inheritance. They animate the whole organism during every state of affair. Besides fabricating idiosyncratic susceptibilities with specific sequences, they operate the organism with different expressions. These facts have been recognized globally. It is contemporary understanding. The above mentioned difference in opinions of two masters came only due to evolutionary phenomenon, which naturally emerges in the course of evolutionary process. The different belief systems appear as progress occurs in our understanding or knowledge or vice versa. But, indeed, they develop only after a long span of time. Every belief-system develops at the cost of time and practical experience/s. In this case, it has taken more or less about seventy-four years span of time, that is, 1842-1916 AD. It is a span of time between the downfall of Dr. Hahnemann's and Kent's eras.

For the abovementioned irrefutable facts, related to the latest ever knowledge, the whole medical world, except for few aplastic Homœopaths, has now unanimously accepted and recognized their authenticity. Only few aplastic Homœopaths, on account of inadequate correlative advocacies, are still breathing mentally in the 18th-19th century. They don't want to move ahead with the evolutionary phenomenon or process. The products of genes are mostly responsible for the each and every state of affairs related to the magnitude and momentum of psycho-physio-biochemical equilibrium of entity. Under the influences of environment, they produced as per preprogramming of organism. Despite health or sickness both, hereupon phenotypes appear of the organism. In order to adapt ourselves to the current situation, as a true follower of truth, like our masters did, we should have to accept reality open-mindedly and welcomingly. Otherwise, according to law of Nature -- 'the survival of fittest', we should get prepare bravely to face the music of extinction.

Insofar you might have certainly come to know that, the genes are governing element of life. As regards some states of affairs, at times, it may not be found true; however, in almost all states of affairs they play a foremost role in the every episode of life. They are essential elements of life, which have largely found responsible for the each and every activity, including buoyancy in life. This fact has unanimously recognized globally and accepted now. Therefore, due to global acceptance of above mentioned concept, these elements can alone be competently replace all the superlatives effectively, earlier used by Hahnemann, like allusory adjective 'life principle'. But, it must be only for our sake of convenience and nothing else more than this. Now, on the concrete basis of knowledgeable data available, we can ascertainably call it by another nickname -- 'Life Energy'. We can do it easily; however, only if it isdeemed fit and deserve also that, it shall certainly enhance our perceptivity and offer a much more superior understanding to the entire Homœ-physician's fraternity. Though it shall be only for our sake of convenience and nothing else more thanthis; yet, as it demonstrates a greater harmony with our Homœopathic science, in order to comply with current understanding and grasp the subject in question much better, we ought to replace earlier 'life principle'.

The term 'life principle' without offering any realistic approach relating to the interior mechanism of organism or capability thereof -- the power of genes, takes you into a state of illusion and gloom. After paying attention on this term, your brain reflects almost nothing considerable or realistic. Thus, I offered you a more elaborative term --the 'Life energy'. Unlike other earlier allusory terms, it signifies a hard stratum accessible underneath all episodes of life. It offers an oracle that reaches into the most interior core of organism. It implicates transmutation phenomenon of energy and impregnates you with the most authentic concept associated with the human creature as well as knowledge appertaining to the current view. Therefore, 'Life energy' is intended for you to adopt. It doesn't only justify the concept of 'dynamis' for itself but it also symbolizes the roots thereof. Therefore, it ought to be adopted in time for futurities. Given that, if only dynamis has to be considered as a real inner man, the 'Life energy' can alone impart the latest ever understanding relating to the core of life. For the above reasons only, it has not only entitled for the adoption, but factually I have adopted it already replacing all the other presumed adjectives from my wisdom; which were formerly offering me inferential views. So, that, my newly offered 'Life Energy' hereinafter shall represent the most inner core of life -- the real 'inner man'.

In fact, in order to signify 'unit of inheritance', the 'genes' was firstly coined by the Johnson in the year 1909 AD. It has now recognized globally by the whole scientific community. But, like hereditary particles ('Factors'), propounded by Mendel, this element, earlier than Mendel, was recognized and propounded by Hahnemann as'life principle' and accepted by all the Homœopaths. However, for much better understanding the subject in question I have modified it now as 'life energy'. Since genes like spirit of life factually govern energy of the organism and animates it; so that, in this sense, they make a real 'inner man'. Therefore, I characterized it as 'life energy'. Over and above, unlike conceptual 'life principle', it's a corporeal element; so that, it is easily ascertainable and comprehensible by the every rational man. Nevertheless, only on account of its invisible attribute to the nude eyes, he might have surmised it as an invisible element and called it conceptual. Otherwise, it's a corporealelement.

The naño energy governed preprogrammed genes with dynamic affects in actuality animate the organism. It persuades well that, the genes are only real 'dynamis' that intended to rule over organism for the higher purposes of existence. They programmatically operate the organism. The naño energy is pre-transmuted solar energy; under the governance of which, the genes operate and dominate the whole living world in actuality. Seeing that, the whole entity is governed and controlled by the genes, besides adaptation mechanism the reasoning of mind is also considered as a gift of genes. For the preservation of 'Life', since our mind sensibly governs the each cell of entity and employs the every organ in a synergetic way, keeping every cell in harmonious function and normal sensation, the genes may be recognized and symbolized as 'life energy'. But, it comes true only if the genome would be normal enough and signifies average healthy GC of entity.

The genes are energy maintaining, regulating and distributing corporeal elements of life. The GC is an agency that acts as an interface between the soul and body; but, it's not the Soul[8] in itself, which dominates the genesper se. Using genetic engineering, the genes can certainly be affected effectively. With the extreme critical operations onto the genetic material the GC may be customized. In order to revive healthy and most natural sway of the organism, hereby, we may eliminate the contributory element/s, causing disease phenotype/s. But the Soul cannot be even touched by the materialistic tools. On account of corporeal nature of the genes, they may undergo mutations as well as get affected by the external influences; but Soul doesn't. Both the causes of disease phenotype -- the mutant genes and morbid stimuli, together may provoke disease phenotype/s. Apart from mutant genes, these causes include pollutants and/or spirit like said dynamic disease producing medicinal powers. The source of stimuli may be natural and/or artificial. Even if together they may provoke disease phenotypes; however, only in the susceptible individuals alone and not in all or anyone who got contracted with such disease producing elements or causes.

The soul is the innermost core of life. It is ultimate essence and finest variety of energy rather[9] than naño energy. It's the soul that always remains intact and unaffected regardless of any of the effectual cause/s. Let it be a Natural disease cause or medicinal power, irrespective of its quality or quantity, cruder or subtle form, it remains unaffected. Since naño energy is intended to govern the genetic sway in life, since conception, it operates every living cell of entity and preserves the organism. It acts as a defender of the life and keeps genetic sway flowing uninterruptedly till the life subsists. It is a concealed but explicable form of energy. The 'life principle'also, propounded by Hahnemann, is not in any way related with the Soul of organism. He signified this factin the following words that:"as if Soul". Therefore, it sounds as if that, he might have got the fact and symbolized it for something else. Indeed, in such a way, he also isolated 'life principle' from Soul. So that, in context of present scenario, I concluded the fact that -- it's nothing but the well-defined genes and allied products of them, of course, it includes naño energy that exists therein and governs them.Indeed, after realizing the wisdom of Hahnemann and current knowledgeable data, I reached to this opinion -- current understanding. It's not the only most probable but most realistic correlation also between the earlier 'life principle' and current genetic theory; which is dominating present scenario and current understanding. Now, it's obvious that, the 'Life principle' is not the soul of organism, as Hahnemann symbolically said it "as if Soul".

The Soul is the purest form of energy that actually descends from cosmos in all the living creatures. If we believe that, E = mc2 is correct; then, we have to deem it fit, it's an ultimate transmuted form of energy that exists in all creatures; however, in a seed form or concealed[10] form. While in contrast, the naño energy, which dominates all the activities of life, is a cruder but extremely finer spectrum of energy. It offers amazing capabilities to the organism. It is unknowingly used by the organism in all genetic activities and thereby it incessantly executes all the operations of life. It governs and controls the sway and swing of life. The Soul (energy) is incorporeal element of life, thus, it is considered as immortal; as I have demonstrated by now; whereas, naño energy is other than former one. It occupies genetic material of the organism and provides energy to the life for its survival. Hereby genes execute all the functions of organism. Although Dr. Hahnemann had also considered the 'life principle' is an executive element of life, which operates the organism in all the situations; yet, the existence of any such a thing that is corporeal in nature and realistically present in the body,he might have had never dreamt of. His perception was certainly true, but for his time only. Presently that invisible element of his time, for which he believed that it operates like sprit, has now been discovered and observed like any other corporeal element. It has only become possible because of the advance technology as well as subsequent evolved deep understanding and insight related to the all creatures.

The Soul is the essence of life and indispensable for existence; however, methinks, it might have some cognitive phenomenon also. The naño energy gets along with all corporeal elements of life as 'life energy'. Yet, both of them find their origin at the one and same place, that is, cosmos or cosmic energy. But, before such optimistic spectrums come into light and become evident, the cosmic energy gets transmogrified under certain circumstances. You know it well that, the energy is transmutable at every level; however, it comes true under the certain circumstances and Natural laws. Consequently, such species of energy inevitably turned into reality. The Soul is not only extremely finer representative of the entire cosmic energy or rather to say cosmos in itself, but it also incessantly offers the best reasoning to the mind and suggestions. For its suggestions, they prove much important for the existence of life and remain humanitarian in nature. They govern the life via 'WILL' of the creature, which is fundamental root-cause of all the activities. The 'WILL' of any creature is demonstrated by his behavioral attributes; which in itself is the end product of genes and environmental influences thereon or creature.

The uniqueness or individuality relies onto the genetic pattern of organism. It comes out during the zygote formation while randomized reshuffling process takes place amongst genetic materials of the two gametes. The idiosyncratic susceptibilities solely rely onto the GC of organism. The normal or abnormal phenotypes both depend onto the ultimate genetic pattern (GC) of the organism as well as interaction thereof with the matrix. The ultimate result of this interaction causes in activation of some genes of the entity. Then these activated genes begin to produce proteins, hormones, enzymes and co-enzymes etc. etc... These products dominate each and every activity and functions of the organism and manifestly rule over entity. In this manner, under the influences of matrix, irrespective of health or sickness, the GC circuitously operates the whole organism. It includes all the traits such as mental and general manifestations as well as all the modalities; even the lowest level of phenotype, which eventually come out manifestly as palpable expressions, also operated by the GC and included herein.

In the living world, the viability of genetically normal creature is almost impossible. The genetically highly normal and abnormal creatures both often mostly contain the similar number of genes. But, during the course of theirs life, certain genes, with or without any apparent adverse environmental influence, as per preprogramming however selectively become operative and cause diseases. Here internal matrix plays a great role in the emergence of diseases. Of course, the provers were/are not exception to rule. The provers, who were partaking in the earlier conducted drug provings, therefore, should also be considered as apparently healthy individuals and not absolutely healthy ones. They were bound to belong or part of apparentlyhealthy category. It means that, mostly because of abnormalities in theirs genome, during the earlier HPT,s, some of the mutant genesof provers, analogous to the employed drug, amid entire pool of the mutant genes, might be got provoked and become operative. They obligated his organism thus to produce morbid expressions. But as a Natural phenomenon, the normal genes however mostly find omission during the course of any such provocation process. They always remained unaffected with the any diseasing stimulations -- let it be a Natural affection and/or any other stimulation carried out by hyperactive medicinal potentialities.

It follows that, in view of aforesaid facts, the hyperactive Superfine Naño Medicines may only operate onto the corresponding mutant genes of entity. And so, an individual, with a specific disease phenotype, responds well to the corresponding hyperactive medicinal substance. Or, vice versa, by a specific hyperactive medicinal substance only corresponding mutant genes of entity may be provoked; which causes emergence of specific disease phenotype in the corresponding individual. In such a way, hereupon, by enhancing the expressivity of currently active mutant genes of entity and expression/s of them our medicines mostly boost up the manifestations of currently existent disease only. Therefore, it sounds as if that, corresponding medicines habitually aggravate existing diseases only. Incidentally, it also persuades well that, the issue of large and small medicinal doses is irrelevant.

During diseased condition, on the one hand, one or set of more than one mutant gene with their morbid expressions reveal their presence; while on the other, they also partake in the revivification process by signifying curative remedy. Despite status of these genes, inherent or acquired (new mutations), they may do it effectively. They also all together, via adaptive phenomenon of nature, in a certain combination, spontaneously confer upon the organism utmost sensitiveness to the curable simillimum. The contributing elements of the diseases in this manner not only play a crucial role in the diseasing process but also in the revivification process. The highly corresponding Homœopathic remedy when ingested properly, during the course of sicknesses, even in the infinitesimal subdivisions, it operates onto the GC of entity and act an immune modulator and/or antigen.

If the medicinal attributes correspond well to the attributes of sufferer of disease, these remedies enhance the expressions of already active genes of entity, especially, currently active mutant genes; with which employed medicinal agent had already been demonstrated great affinity. Consequently Homœopathic aggravation ensues and appears. It persuades well that and concludes, the Homœopathic remedies enhance the expressions of those genes only, with which they correspond well and find affinity -- contributory mutant gene/s of entity. In this manner, they also stimulate responsive mechanism of the organism and satisfy susceptibilities. In such a way, even if these medicines do nothing with the microbes; however, they obligate corresponding suffering organism and sway thereof to exist upon its own accord. If the employed remedial agent would be correct enough in all dimensions, using complement[11] mechanism of the sufferer of disease, these medicines accomplish the task better than any other kind of medication. In a nutshell, considering 3P matching, the totality of symptoms of any patient must correspond well to the medicinal attributes. Hereupon, several mechanisms spontaneously come into play and revive the suffering organism. They all together eliminate and/or extirpate all the ill-natured expressions, which is the actual cause of existing disease phenotype.

What else do you want to have much more than this? Do you want to have even much more obvious clarification relating to the Soul and 'life energy'; other than such obvious notions and statements given out by our great Masters? Can you imagine that, the two 'life principles' or two 'Life energies' may exist in the one organism? Oh! No!! Certainly cannot. Like that of two identical elements don't exist in the Nature -- like two identical genes cannot exist in an organism -- and also, like that of two identical diseases, however, at the one and same time, cannot exist in an organism; the two 'Life energies' cannot exist in an organism. Dr. Hahnemann was also agreed[12] with this fact.

In order to protect and preserve the life from all the internal and external calamities, of course, in all mendable disastrous states, the reason gifted mind (CNS)and adaptation mechanism, obviously, with involvement of genes, conjointly operate the organism. In all situations, the naño energy with all its potentials gets along with genetic material i.e. 'life energy'. It operates the organism per se and thereby regulates all the activities of life. The master also taught us the same thing in his teachings; however, with a little difference. He signified these dual commanding elements of life as 'life principle'. As a matter of fact, even at that time, the proposition of 'life principle' reveals his state of evolution; which undoubtedly signifies his genius. Presently only terminology has changed enough from whatever he understood and imparted in his time. Otherwise rest of all, mostly on this issue, actually touches the existing concept of 'genes' and current understanding. At one stage, it sounds as if that, Dr. Hahnemann almost had been reached to a conclusion[13] similar to the current genetic theory and touched the fact. He was much ahead of his time.

What all his articulations reflect or signify? Is his knowledge doesn't read current understanding or qualify genetic theory? Except for term 'Gene', is it not surprisingly analogous to the current understanding of genes and theirs expressions?? In the 6th edition of 'Organon', he also advised to "consider this imperceptible internal essence as the object to be treated". Isn't it obviously implicates current understanding? In view of all afore mentioned facts, it seems that, he certainly might have reached to much closer to the current understanding -- the genetic theory. Now, we have reached to a pragmatic conclusion. Even if genes are corporeal in nature and even if they are evidently visible now, they were escaped unnoticed from the Hahnemann. Yet, even at that time, when he was incapable of observing the things obviously, owing to lack of technological (evolutionary) development, he had been apprehended the fact. He had been found the most basic defining element of life as well as attributes thereof. The highly sophisticated technology as well as latest ever equipments simply offered us a great visibility. The developmental process always takes its own time. The development as we observe today in the field of medical science was never before.

In the time of Hahnemann, the knowledge related to the causes of disease as well as cure was extremely rudimentary and limited. On account of lack knowledge as well as insufficient development of the resources, at that time, it was least known to the physicians of that time that how and why diseases appear and how to deal them with properly. But, presently, they (knowledge and resources) have developed enough incredibly. Now, they are facilitating physicians to determine precise cause/s of the disease/s as well as offer better means for the revivification of health. Actually, as has already been said that, simply because of lack of scientific advancement in the field of medical science, the medical faculty and professionals of that time were greatly unaware of the real facts. Therefore, probably, looking at the ever-changing transnormal genetic activities, Dr. Hahnemann might have got confused enough. So that he vaguely differentiated the 'life principle' and Soul and said about this operating element of life "as if Soul".All the episodes of life might be greatly confusing him, whereas same activities are now considered as natural phenomena of life. As such all incidences mostly take place as per preprogramming of the organism, they are considered as essential reactivity[14]. It's the nature of life and known as bio-immunological response.

The one out of two is Soul; which cannot be modified or made sick by any (ordinary) means; whereas other are genes. The genes are smallest material units of the material organism and real representative of the organism. They all together form a most functional innermost core of life; which is known as genotype. Remember! The genetics means 'organization of organism'. The different patients demonstrate various different transnormal genetic activities. Such situations certainly might be stumbled upon him and greatly mystified him. The genes as a matter of fact are empowered by an immaterial element -- the naño energy (may be induced by soul?). Such a slight difference between the two might be baffled him. The two subjects might be therefore got intermingled in his mind; so that, he might haven't got them precisely well -- the differences between the two. By means of such a transmogrified ultimate form of solar energy, the genes incessantly operate the organismand regulate it for entire lifespan. In order to execute all the necessary activities of life, of course, with the help of all endowed mechanisms, they enable the organism in such a synergetic way an average healthy individual retains all his normal sensations and functions of life. The sway of psycho-physio-biochemical equilibrium of such organisms remains in harmony with the Nature. They may preserve their life for a long span of time successfully using virtuous central nervous system as well as various other channels too.

Except for metamorphosis i.e. emergence of some new sequences in DNA, the existing genetic materialand the genes are same as it were in the most ancient era. The metamorphosis takes place during the course of time naturally. The condition of genetic material is almost the same as it was even before the time of Hahnemann. But by virtue of scientific advancement in the field of medical science, now, the views and concepts as well as understanding, especially, relating to all the episodes of life have substantially changed. Now, only scientifically proven facts and findings are accepted globally. In order to meet out challenges of the current scenario, we have to change our opinion and understanding. In view of the fact that most of episodes of life we have understood well and they haven't remained much mysterious as they were in the time of Hahnemann, we have to admit reality. Despite limited resources, Dr. Hahnemann in his own way tried to evaluate[15]the most of concealed facts associated with the human creatures. It includes evaluation of all the traits exist in human being and his nature. But, we should have to see it that, up to what extent, the wisdom of Hahnemann matches with the current understanding or comes true. Only then we may link the things with the current understanding and knowledge.

Now in the light of most innovative research works, which have accomplished by the scientists in the field materials science as well as medicine, we may reevaluate facts concerning 'modus operandi' of our Superfine Naño Medicines. As such recent works throw a great beam of light onto the 'modus operandi' of our medicines, we may disclose reality of the"Cessat effectus cessat causa"-- removal of the effects is the removal of cause -- the cause of the effects. Actually, recent researches have opened up new era in this faculty of therapeutic science and offered a new dimension to this mode of medication and its doctrine. His proposed "Cessat effectus cessat causa"has now proved wrong. Now, its order has taken a 'U' turn. It can be said now as 'Cessat causa cessat effectus'.Actually as such each episode of life, including apparent health and all diseased conditions or disease phenotypes, except for accidental causes, has found associated with the preprogramming of GC and environmental influences thereon. Thus, if we really want to have adisease free population, either we should have to redress aberrant genetic constitution properly, the probability of which is very little so far, or, we shouldhave to modify expressivity of contributory mutant genes of entity by any means, which cause emergence of the morbid manifestations. Besides an extraordinary method i.e.supernatural way,For the supernatural method, we will discuss later on.

The aberrant genetic constitution may only be redressed by genetic engineering. But, this faculty is still to be developed fully. It is underdevelopment and waiting. Whensoever it will become possible to replace all the genetic anomalies, only thenthere will be no diseasefurthermore in the lifespan of such customized individuals. Even though the possibilities of emergence of some strange abnormalities, inharmonious in nature with the creature itself and/or to the other creatures also, cannot be ruled out entirely. At present, even if genetic engineering can be used effectively in selected cases; since the scope of this technique is very limited so far and extremely complicated as well as expensive also, it is very impractical to accomplish our goal in masses. Secondly, since the modification of whole GC is almost impossible, it is very impractical so far. Nevertheless, other option like medication that alters the expressions of entity is open for all. It is largely applied using Homœopathic medication.

We may offer such an optimistic medication, even to the greatly complicated sufferer of disease/s, which shall put to an end all the morbid expressions. A best ever promising mode of the management of expressions of diseases is available in form of Homœopathy. Even today we offer such a medicationto our sufferer of disease/s during their active diseased conditions that successfully do away with all their existent ill-natured genetic expressions. And that, during the comprehensive follow-ups, this mode of medication takes care of their passive states of affairs also. In long run, such medication certainly proves beneficial to the sufferer of disease/s; however, if we employ a chronic or long-acting complementary Superfine Naño Medicine to them. These medicinesas such directly[16]operatepositively onto theGC of entity, which isquite promising in nature; we can accomplish our goal nicely to a great extent with the help of such a mode of medication. That's why, when we offer a medication using only corresponding Superfine Naño Medicines, we assuredly accomplish the target of an excellent revivification of health.

Althoughcarrierof the Superfine Naño Medicine, i.e. SND_,is competent enough of the achieving the task of revivification efficiently, which may be seem to be ontologically,yet it has some limitations also. It operates on the organism to a certain extent only; however, without help of genetic engineering. Until now you might be certainly got the point that what I want to say. You may have become familiar enough with my inscriptions. Indeed, you may be certainly noticed also that, in the light of current understanding and developments, I am insisting on the same things and facts which had already been asked by Hahnemann in his texts. But my terminology is quite different from what Hahnemann used. My terminology is in harmony with the current understanding. While I was reviewing our earlier literature and updating our knowledge, I judiciously correlated the time-tested facts with those facts and understanding which had already been emerged in the field of medical science. In order to provide you latest ever understanding respecting our science of healing, I juxtaposed the new things alongside earlier ones. I incorporated most innovative research works in my text here. So that, you shall get it precisely well that what Hahnemann said about all episodes of life, as regards our science of healing, and what current understanding is elaborating.

For theall nonliving elements like C, O, N, H and S, which shape the protoplasm; although the atoms of these elements unite according to same plan in the cells as they use to unite during formation of nonliving substances; yet, theirs functional attitude becomes very different in the living structures due to presence of naño energy. In order to confer several congenial attributes on the molecules of proteins and organism, they unite in such a way which is very little understood so far. Given that, whenever assembling occurs in the favour of life, in living creatures, it turns out to be extremely intricate and mysterious due to dominance and governance of naño energy. Consequently, then, almost it becomes difficult to understand that how the things will take shape or how they will go on. But, by virtue of impregnation of parental naño energy, these non-living elements, hereby, confer extraordinary attributes on the cells and organism. In contrast, whenever the same elements combine to shape or produce an inanimate object, the characteristics of such inanimate object remarkably gets differ from the living creatures. While formation of an inanimate object takes place, due to absence of naño energy, the effects of non-living elements entirely get changed. Actually, the presence of naño energy provides animation to the protoplasm and constituents thereof and makes the cells and organism an enliven entity. Since this form of energy is deterministically a concealed assortment,it cannotbe ascertained numerically. But, you can feel it, realize it, perceive and also can employ it; however, you cannot determine or estimate it numerically;as such it's a subtle assortment of the energy. It's a most operational assortmentof the cosmic energy, which governs all the living creatures in all states of affairs. It's a transmogrified form of energy.

The transmutation phenomenon in the realm of energy[17] methinks is a really unique, incredible and fascinating. Inconceivably, it is incessantly ongoing in all the galaxies including Milky Way; to which our earth belongs to. On account of transmutation phenomenon, several diversified forms of energy come into light, i.e. development of one from of energy to another one. The Sun is the only and major source of energy for the existence of life on this planet earth, especially, within our galaxy. Therefore, suppose, if sun doesn't survive anymore, certainly, you will say that then there shall be no life at all on this planet earth. The solar energy is uniformlyand incessantly available to all living creatures on this planet earth. Irrespective of form, Autotrophs or Heterotrophs[18], it is provided by the nature to the every creature; however, if it remains uninterrupted without any obstruction between the Sun and earth.

The heterotrophs always directly or indirectly depend on the autotrophs, namely, plant kingdom. The Sunrays are nothing but an intermixed spectrum of light energy of different wavelengths and frequencies. The photons (red and blue both) are actually the pockets of electrical energy surrounded by a magnetic field that travels through space in waves. They discretely carry energy on to the earth. Collectively they are known as quanta while a single particle is known as quantum. It is a smallest unit of electromagnetic energy that comes in proportion to the frequency of radiation. These small pockets (particles) are actually the carrier of aforementioned energy. Along with other energy particles, which may probably come from outer space, as well as invisible but continuous showers of neutrons, they form a spectrum of seven colures.

This electromagnetic energy, to which we commonly known as light particles or photons, brought in byquanta, is received by the plant kingdom. In order to fulfill own requirements of the energy and livelihood demands, this energy harvesting phenomenon has adopted and developed by the plant kingdom. During the course of energy harvesting process, the plant kingdom via photophosphorylation process[19], adoptively processes the light energy and convert it into the biologically active bio-chemical energy. It is an energy transmutation process. For getting along with better survival prospective it may be executed by any part of the living plant or entire entity. In this manner, the plant kingdom provides us transmuted solar energy into the form of different kinds of foodstuffs. The foodstuffs are actually the biologically active bio-chemical energy. The foodstuffs we get are the residual part of the whole transmuted solar energy. They are nutritious produce that remained back after their own consumption.

By means of such an astonishing process, the plants incessantly transmute the solar energy into the biochemical energy. In this manner, the plant kingdom is operating like a group those factories, which are designed for the transmutation job. They are producing food efficiently for all living creatures. These creatures have adapted themselves as per their own lifestyle and requirements. These factories are incessantly producing such a biochemical energy pockets,which together with fully nutritious food has an excellent amount of naño energy in itself. In fact, foodstuffs contain ATP, which is nothing but the ultimate altered form of solar energy. All the heterotrophs including human being directly or indirectly consume this biochemical energy in the form of their foodstuffs. In order to meet out daily requirement of the energy andresolving the problem of better existence as well as preservation of life on this planet earth, all the heterotrophs ingest foodstuffs. It's an oblique injection or introduction of the solar energy into the human beings.

In this manner, the problem of existence and preservation of life on this planet earth is resolve. After the ingestion of such biochemical energy by heterotrophs, during the assimilation process, the most of nutritive ingredients contained within foodstuffs are absorbed by the digestive system of living organism. But, the digestive system of relevant heterotroph operates according to organism's own GC and its determined absorbing level. He/she absorbs only preprogrammed nutrients for that organism and not the whole nutrients existing in his food articles. The assimilated nutrients and/ordigested biochemical energy thereafter carried forwards to the each and every cell of entity. It is utilized therein as a fuel for the energy generation. For the entire activities and operations of the cells, such generated energy via genetic regulatory mechanism is then utilized by the corresponding cells of organism. For that individual organism, this energy is conferred upon him by Nature. It must be used for existence and higher purposes of life. Now, it's crystal clear that, in the beam of current knowledgeable light,the genes of autotrophs and heterotrophs both equally operate like a regulator of solar energy.

Like that of other essential activities of life, most of higher living creatures, via reproduction process, produce the offspring and promote the growth of self-species. In order to preserve the self-species or self-existence, they have adopted this process. The gametes play an essential role in this process. They are produced during the gametogenesis process within both spouses. The gametes of both of the counterparts also contain a little amount of same transmuted ultimate form of solar energy within themselves. It is impregnated in all the gametes in the form of ATP+GTP -- the manifesting naño energy. In this manner, this naño energy becomes an essential constituent of life of the organism. Actually it remains infused within whole genetic material of the gametes and confers potentialities on the genes contained within DNA. Insofar as you might be certainly understood well that, in order to pass-on functional energy to the impending zygote; it is benevolently conferred upon all the gametes by Nature. The naño energy comes into gametes from their own mother cells. Following the fertilization process, it becomes the part of zygote. Actually, besides providing energy to the zygote, for its proper development and functions, it is intended to pass-on effectively for the forthcoming progenies (descendents) also.

The zygote is a first primary complete cell with 2x number of chromosomes. It is initial cell of life. It contains randomly reshuffled and recombined genetic material of the both of gametes within itself, produce by counterpart parent partners. This newly formed genetic material of zygote has a new programming for new life; or, as you might say, it has an entirely preprogrammed GC. This initial programming remains operative for the whole lifespan; however, if, new mutations do not intervene or genetic engineering doesn't modify GC. The mutations may also emerge after the birth of organism. Though impregnated naño energy in zygote is now used as a back-up energy, essential for the growth and other vital activities and operations, but don't forget it, it was brought in and offered by the both of individual gametes. Hereinafter it is feed and fostered by the existing mother. For the further growth and vital operations of life, the energy is now provided by the current mother. Although this newly formed zygote grows into the womb of an organism of same species; but it only operates according to its own GC and plan thereof. So that, except for those organisms, which are now produced via cloning of the genetic material of somatic cells, he/she may somewhat differ from (h)is/her own parents, owing to above mentioned reasons.

Following the configuration of initial DNA molecule(Archea)[20], this cycle is being repeated since last 2875x109 million years. Under the Natural circumstances or ecological condition, it may be appeared in the Archeozoic era on this planet earth. Ever since the same DNA replicating again and again, unhindered, creeping ahead uninterruptedly so far towards the more and more advance stages or ultra-superiority. In context of present scenario, since the above mentioned facts have discovered and determined well by the most eminent scientists, this understanding is established well and recognized globally. It would be noteworthy that, besides alluding to a most scientific reality I am going to disclose a very little known fact for you and offer you an old reality related to above mentioned fact. It is necessary for you to have it in your mind. I am revealing this fact for you because it is deeply related to the same fact, which scientists have discovered with their elaborated scientific experiments.

What scientists have discovered with their elaborated scientific experiments had already been emerged in the ancient Indian scriptures. Even before the revelation of above mentioned fact, by scientists, it was already known to our Indian 'RISHEISH'. A testament is cited below that shall illustrate the relevancy of my reflection. Since then thousands of years have been elapsed away so far, the same truth is unambiguously known to us. In the 'VAIDIC' era, it was obviously perceived and ascertained by our great Indian 'RISHEISH' that the Sun is only source of survival and life on the earth. The 'RISHEISH' were also a kind of scientists, as I consider, who were engaged in the determining facts related to the supernatural powers and events. They described this reality very obviously; however, in Sanskrit language. They described this fact in following phrase:"AUMBHOORBHUAHHSWAHATATSAVITURRYAVARENYAMBHARGODEVASYADHIMAHIDHIYOYONAHAPRACHODAYAT"[v]. It simply meansthat, 'I bear the splendorous gloriole of Sun within myself'. It simply implicatesand signifies that, the same truth or fact was also known to them. Presentlyscientists have discovered the fact; however, thousands of years after. It also signifies the great perceptive power of our great Indian 'RISHEISH' and theirs innovative wisdom. Dr. Hahnemann also belongs to same category. His imaginative power was astonishing.

Hitherto you might be certainly understood well that, which substance is the core of survival and all episodes of life. Now, we will see that, how human beings even during the harshest time of their life get along and survive successfully. We will also look at all those elements, in-depth, which help our organism; and that, how do they help creatures in their survival during the whole lifespan.

[1] Dr. Kent had also said that: "Any thing which looks away from exactitude is unscientific. The physician must be classical; every thing must be methodical. Science ceases to be scientific when disorderedly application of law is made." (Source: Aphorisms and percepts, by Dr. J T Kent)

[2]Dr. Kent exposing his unawareness concerning this element described in his philosophy that: "Hahnemann could perceive this immaterial vital principle. It was some thing he arrived of himself, from his own process of thinking. There was paucity of individual ideas at that time." (Source: Lectures on Homœopathic philosophy, by Dr. J T Kent, chapter VIII.P.76.)

[3]"In other words, the Leipsic medical professors of those days had neither clinic nor hospital at their disposal. All that they could offer their students was dull theory, book-knowledge with no real experiments or further independent development. How insufficient and dry the medical science of the last quarter of the eighteenth century appears to have been!" This is comment of Dr. Richard Haehl, as he given out in his work; SAMUEL HAHNEMANN, HIS LIFE & WORK; chapter III, page no. 20. Furthermore, in the same chapter on the page no. 24 he added that: "Truly, the medical education such as was customary and possible to obtain at the end of the eighteenth century, left much to be desired in extent and depth. Above all, when it is considered that universities like Leipsic had no hospital or clinic of their own, the practical training of the young medical students was extremely deficient."

[4]History of the discovery of cell:An early microscope was made by opticians in the year 1590 AD in Middelburg, Netherlands. About four five decades thereafter, in order to learn more about things, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) made lenses and simple microscope. With the help of this primary microscope, he observed some living organisms in the rain water and discovered protozoa like vorticella as well as bacteria from his own mouth. Using early compound microscope, Robert Hook in the year 1665 discovered the cells in the cork and plant tissues. In the 1839, which is just before three years from the departure of Hahnemann, a principle elucidating that the plants and animals are made up of cells was given by the Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden. They firstly founded the Cell theory. They concluded that the cells are common unit of structures of both and contribute in their developments. Rudolf Virchow (1855) stated that: 'omnis cellula ex cellula'; which means that the cells always emerge from the cell division. The first Transmission Electron Microscope TEM was made by the Ernst Ruska in the 1931 at the University of Berlin. In 1935 AD, he made an EM with the twice capacity of resolution than that of light microscope. Consequently, previously unresolved several organelles came into light. At the 28 Feb. 1953, Watson and Crick firstly declared the DNA has double-helical structure. In the year 1981, Lynn Margulis, published 'Symbiosis in Cell Evolution'. He elucidated 'endosymbiotic theory'.

Even if Dr. Hahnemann didn't take cognizance of this major constituent of life; however, discovery of cell has proved a great achievement in the field of medical science. Within a few years after the sad demise of Hahnemann, the presence of protoplasm as well as constituents of the cell was discovered. That's why adopting and assimilating the facts Dr. Kent described in his text that: "put together 54 parts C, 2 of O, 16 of N, 7 of H, and 2 of S, and what do you suppose, you will have? Simply a composite some thing, but can not complexity, which we identify as protoplasm".(Source: Lectures on Homœopathic Philosophy by Dr. J T Kent.)According to recent understanding, which is evolved after the factual analysis of protoplasm; besides 70-90% of water as well as organic matters, the protoplasm mostly contains proteins, a lesser amount of fat, carbohydrates and miscellaneous elements that make up to 9-29%. The ash of protoplasm leaves behind 1% residuum of its total weight. Mostly it contains carbonates, phosphates and sulphates of the sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium together with traces of salts of copper, manganese, zinc, silicon as well as iodine etc. etc..

[5] Genes:Gene is a molecular unit of inheritance. This term has given to symbolize certain locatable region in the genomic sequence corresponding to a unit of inheritance. It signifies to specific a starch of DNA, associated with regulatory regions, transcribed regions and/or other functional regions in the genomic sequence. These determining regions or stretches in the DNA and RNA code for a polypeptide or in a RNA chain it has certain functions in the organism. The informal use of this term may refer to an allele; such as 'good genes', 'hair color gene'. But a gene is a basic sequence or instruction for nucleic acids in DNA or, in case of certain viruses, RNA; whereas an allele is one variant of the corresponding gene. Thus, imparting reference of a gene for a particular trait has no longer scientifically accepted. The genes code for certain proteins that may cause to have certain identifiable trait. But, the gene is inheritable component while trait is not. No trait can be inherited. As such genes specify all proteins and functional RNA chains in the creatures; every living being relies onto the genes. Even if some organelles like that of mitochondria are self-replicating elements, as they are not coded for by the DNA of organism; the genes retain information to build up and sustain the cells of organisms and pass on the genetic traits to the offspring. All the organisms have various biological traits, while several genes contribute in the emergence of them. Some of these traits are manifestly observable, for example: color of the eyes or number of the limbs, whereas, some of them are not so, for example: type of blood or increased risk for specific disease or thousands of basic biochemical processes that comprise life.

[6] The author of such a transcription claimed in one monthly news letter that, 'A book that will make understanding Organon EASY; show how Organon is SCIENTIFIC and contemporary; help to make GOOD Homœopaths; will be INDISPENSIBLE for every student and teacher and the termed as 'THE BEST EVER' by the greatest legends. However, all these claims automatically go in vain due to NONAPPEARANCE OF UPGRADATION.

[7]Dr. Hahnemann also symbolically signified above mentioned facts; however, in following words: "- - - that they have so inconsiderately overlooked and failed to appreciate the spiritual nature of life,"(impregnation of naño energy in genes) "and the spiritual dynamic power of the exciting causes of disease(the operational power that exist within every gene including mutant genes i.e. naño energy. It produces sensitivity in genes to corresponding stimuli as well as power of dominance in the production of ill-natured products i.e. morbid or mutant proteins),"- - -.(source: Organon of medicine, 6th edition, Introduction, page 47)

[8]Dr. J. T. Kent had described in his philosophy that: "There is nothing more wonderful than the coordination of man's economy, his will and his understanding and his movements,which coordination is carried on by Life substance." Furthermore he added that: "The life substance within the body is the vice-reagent of the soul and soul in turn is also a simple substance. All that there is of the soulthat operates & exists within every part of the body,and it is that simple substance act as a "Vital force."He added moreover that: "The soul adapts the human body to all its purposes, the higher purposes of its being". (Source: Lectures on Homœopathic philosophy, by Dr. J T Kent.)Although Dr. Kent had offered such philosophical statements a century ago or more, yet they are still pertinent so far. They have passed the stone-test of time,especially, of the recent scientific experiments, except for only terminology, he used. Now, the terminology has changed enough with the time and maturity and nothing else more. It's also another example of that what I have told you by now in the same text. It's an evidentiary proof of that, 'philosophy is the science of sciences'.The naño energy is nothing but the most explicable ultimate form of Soul. Under the certain circumstances, it emerges in the organism as ultimate essence of life. In fact, it seems that, the Nature for itself is determining and explicating the E= mc2.

[9]The very similar view; however, indeed in much clearer words was also expressed by Dr. Kent. He wrote that: "And the body a life force keeps every other force in order, dynamic simple substance, often dominate each other in proportion to their purpose, one having a higher purpose than other. This vital force which is a simple substance is again dominated by another simple substance still higher, which is the soul".(Source: Lectures on Homœopathic philosophy, by Dr. J T Kent)

[10] See also NB 44 on the page no. 51 in the same book.

[11] A Russian scientist, Dr. Vladimir Filator, inscribed in his famous book 'My path in science' that: "The human (or animal) organism is capable for recovering from almost any disease (even a plague), if it is not localized in the longs. What is more, the recovery may take place without medical aid. Therefore body is capable of those functions, those dynamic reactions which can re-establish the equilibrium disturbed by pathological conditions. Treatment with biogenic stimulators raises the general tones of the organism, improve it physiologically, increases the healthy reactions of the body, which in principle, could have occurred without our help. Biogenic stimulators (Homoeopathic medicines act in the same way) do not act on the pathogenic factor (for example, on microbes and their toxins) but on the organism itself. It is this that has so far made it impossible to show that they are directed against the disease."

[12]In this regard, he had said that, two similar diseases at the one and same time cannot do exist in an organism. In following word, we find his reflection this regard: "if nature is unable to cure homœopathically a disease already existing in the organism, by the production of another fresh malady similar to it (§§ 43-46), which very rarely lies in her power (§50), - - -"[12].Moreover, while elucidating the effects of measles, in the aphorism §46, with reference to J. Hunter, he accepted the things like this:"that the fevers (similar diseases) cannot co-exist in the same body". (Source:Organon of medicine 6thedition, aphorism §46; page131.)

[13]In the introduction of 'Organon of medicine' 6th edition Dr. Hahnemann said that: "What sensible man would imitate the efforts of the organism for its own preservation?These efforts are in reality the disease itself"(the ill-natured expressions of mutant gene/s actually cause the morbid manifestations. They derange and imbalance the psycho-physio-biochemical equilibrium of organism), "and the morbidly affected vital force is the producer of the visible disease"(actually with these words he used to signify mutant genes that produce diseases; however, when get stimulated)(P. 66, Introduction). Moreover, when he said that:"for instance, by a small globule of the decillion-fold dilution of aconite juice, with abstinence from vegetable acids, so that the most violent pleuritic fever, with all its alarming concomitants, is changed into health and cured, without the least abstraction of blood and without any antiphlộgistic remedy, in a few-at the most in twenty-four-- hours (a small quantity of blood drawn from a vain by the way of experiment then shows no traces of buffy coat)"(NB. 8, Introduction). Furthermore, at one place, in the introduction of 'Organon', he inscribed that: "although, as sound human reason teaches us, the cause of a thing or of an event, can never be at the same time the thing or the event itself. How could they then, without deceiving themselves, consider this imperceptible internal essence as the object to be treated, ---".

[14] See also Chapter Adapto-evolutional reciprocity of organism in the same text.

[15] He was unaware of the fact; however, he said that in the Organon of medicine, 4th edition, aphorism § 12 that: "The invisible morbid alteration in the interior and the complex of systems observable from without are consequently reciprocally and necessarily determined by one another,"(he was unable to see the cause of the effects but interpreted that the both are reciprocally and necessarily interrelated and determined by one another -- his vision, that come true -- the phenotypes mostly depend onto the genes and products thereof)"both together constitute the disease in its entirety, that is to say, such a unity that the later stand and fall with the former,"(the mutant genes and products thereof constitute disease in its entirety; or, in other words, the imbalancing in the psycho-physio-biochemical equilibrium and mutant genes are interdependent deeply and actually or vice versa)"that they must exist and disappear simultaneously," (being unable to see the cause of materialization of cognizable morbid manifestations, he visualize something invisible and gave above statement --"they must exist and disappear simultaneously,")"so that whatever is able to produce the group of perceptible symptoms must likewise have to cause the thereto appertaining inner morbid change (inseparable from the external morbid appearance)"(at this juncture he obviously displayed his confusion -- he got bunged-up -- unable to distinguish difference between the both, he gave above statement; however, precisely interpreted the inseparability of both and said that--)"otherwise the manifestations of the symptoms were impossible"(this simply implicates that the Hahnemann was also signifying the same; however, in other words -- that, there would be no disease at all if there shall be no genetic mutations)"and consequently whatever removes the totality of the observable morbid alteration in the interior of the organism because the later is not conceivable" (at that time, as such he was unable to observe the genes, he conceived that the both are one and only thing, responsible for the emergence of symptoms).

[16]In this regard, Dr. Hahnemann also expressed the similar views and inscribed in the introduction of 6th edition of 'Organon'that:"In place of extinguishing the disease rapidly, without exhaustion of the strength and without going about the bush, with homogenous, dynamic medicinal agents acting directly on the diseased points of the organism, as homœopathy does".

[17] See also the chapter 'AN AMAZING ELEMENT OF THE LIFE, THE DNA', in the same text.

[18] Autotrophs or Heterotrophs: After the emergence of living creatures, during the course of development, they all got divided into two forms, namely, plants kingdom (Autotrophs) and animal kingdom (Heterotrophs). Of course this division was appeared due to adaptation mechanism looking at their capability of fulfilling their own nutritional demand; which was required to meet out challenges of their own lifestyle. The environment played a decisive role in this division with its selective pressure. Yet both of the categories got along under the control of 'Genes'. The genes of both categories remarkably demonstrate the fundamental similarities. These similarities obviously appear in their essential traits,including several organelles, decisive for the existence of their life. For example: red coloured Hæme, which exists in the red blood cells, and, the green colour of chlorophyll of plants, both having similar structures. Yet, the only difference is that, Hæme consists of 'Iron' whereas chlorophyll possesses 'Magnesium'; both belong to metallic group in the Periodic Table. The Cuttlefish (Sepia) has a unique blue coloured blood, on account of the presence of Haemocynin.

[19]Photophosphorylation:During the photophosphorylation process, the assimilating power, that is, ATP+NADPH2, is produced in the photochemical phase from ADP and H3PO4 however with the help of chlorophyll-a and light energy. Thereafter, this assimilating power (ATP+NADPH2) effectively assimilates Co2 in bio-chemical phase during the dark reaction, which is a thermo-chemical reaction. Herein different varieties of carbohydrates, proteins and fats containing several vitamins and minerals are produced in due course as food molecules and stored as food grains. These food grains have biologically active or usable form of chemical energy (ATP). All the heterotrophicorganisms including human beings utilize this bio-chemical energy to fulfill their energy requirements. Indeed, now you can obviously perceive that these food grains are nothing but the transmuted cosmic energy that conferred upon all living creatures by the Nature to meet out their daily requirements of energy and livelihood. It is conferred upon all creatures, in order to offer better survival possibilities and preservation of life upon this planet earth. The different varieties of plants producedifferent kinds of usable or edible bio-chemical energy(ATP);however, only as per their own genetic constitution.

Every plant capable of producing such kind of edible energy has anown genetic constitution together with impregnated parental naño energy. The plants like that of human being also procure a GC and naño energy from their own ancestor,like that of their ancestors had it.However every plant likewise human being certainly has some changes in his own GC from his ancestors. It comes true on account of emergence of new genetic mutations. The mutations may occur during the randomized reshuffling process in the course of zygote formation. It may also take place due to some teratogenic effects of pollutants in the ovary or womb. For this reason only, amango plant cannot produce guava or banana or a wheat plant cannot produce rice or vice versa. Despite that, quality and/or quantity may get changed with the every new generation and/or every plant exists in different atmosphere. The biotechnical scientists using genetic engineering are now capable of producing new varieties of food stuffs. It came true because of the emergence of genetic engineering. It is claimed that or they claim, their produced genetically modified verities of food stuffs have much superior nutritious value and improved than that of conventional ones; however, emergence of some harmful effects due such modification in the GC of plants cannot be ruled out entirely.

[20] Archea is a unicellular organism that found in the extremely unfavorable circumstances where no other organism can subsists. It is assumed that this organism may have come on the earth from outer space or other Planets.

[i] Lectures on Homœopathic philosophy, by Dr. J T Kent, chapter VIII.P.76.

[ii] Organon of medicine, 5th edition.

[iii] Lectures on Homœopathic philosophy, by Dr. J T Kent.

[iv] Lectures on Homœopathic philosophy, by Dr. J T Kent.


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