SPOILER FOR SERIES: alison had a twin sister Courtney who had "mental problems" and she wanted to be just like alison. she made a copy of the alison bracelet and pretended to be her.
no lala and dj clue are not related they are very good friends...... that's it
i dont think so.. there was this man i dont remeember his name but they were together.. it wont show that she is gay at least it gives a little clue.. ;)
Clue finder is one of the names that the invisible Bilbo Baggins uses when he boasts to Smaug the dragon.
the clue is: about
dont have a clue lol
I have no clue
* Hair acessories * Pink items * Clothes * DVD * Photo of you two together * Teddy * Toys
You type in Maya on your keyboard when your on the website but the ACTUAL clue is the word: My
Blues Clues little brother is Sprinkles.
obviously she plays tennis if not that i have no clue
Not a clue.
i have no clue
The Detectives - 1959 Little Boy Clue 2-30 was released on: USA: 14 April 1961