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Q: Who plays the cole on the tv series Charmed?
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Who plays the demon Balthazar on the tv series Charmed?

Michael Bailey Smith plays Balthazar, The Source and Shax on Charmed.

Who played payton on the tv series charmed?

There is no character Payton on Charmed.

Where can one find an episode guide for the TV series Charmed?

One can find an episode guide for the TV series Charmed on various websites like Wikipedia and TV. Both websites offer a great amount of guides for all kinds of products, including an episode guide for the TV series Charmed.

What episode of charmed season 3 does cole coedroomme backvin through the tv in phoebes bedroom?

Why Did Charmed In? Is It Coming Back? Does Alyssa,Holly,And Rose Keep In Touch Does Alyssa And Rose Have Kids/Married? Did Holly Really Marry Charmed Husband Leo? Why Did Julian/Cole Quite Charmed? I Want Alyssa Rose And Holly To Do Another Movie Together it does not have to be charmed i love charmed its awesome

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What is the general plot of the Charmed episodes?

The general plot of the popular television series "Charmed" is about three sisters who are powerful good witches that protect humans from threats such as demons and warlocks. You can learn more about the television series "Charmed" at the Wikipedia and Internet Movie Database.

What is Rose McGowan's name on the TV series Charmed?

Paige Matthews

Who played inspector sheridan on the tv series charmed?

Jenya Lano

Is there another charmed with everyone in it?

if you are referring to the TV series then no, there is no other charmed seasons with everyone in it they start and finish from seasons 1-8

Was the house in charmed tv series real?

Yes. It's in Los Angeles.

What is the name of Keisha Cole's tv series?

The way it is

Who is brian krause?

Brian Krause is an American Actor most well known for his role on the television series Charmed. He plays Leo Wyatt on the tv show called Charmed. His cast members are Rose McGowan, Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano, Shannen Doherty plus Dorian Gregory and others.