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Chloe Sonnenfeld played Moon Gornicke

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Q: Who plays moon in the movie RV?
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Does Jojo play in the movie RV?

Yes she plays the teenage daughter

In what type of vehicule is the family riding in the movie RV?

They are riding in a RV. Hence the name RV

Who plays Cassie in RV?


Who plays RV in cirque du freak?

Well since the movie barely follows the books they don't even have R.V. in it sooo no one :/

What year was the movie RV made?

The move RV was made in the year of 2006.

Who does Josh Hutcherson play as in RV?

Her plays the child of robin Williams who goes on an RV holiday

Who plays carl in RV?

josh hutcherson

What movie start with a r?

Rent or RV

What is the new movie that kellan lutz plays in?

Twilight and on November 20, 2009 New Moon.

Can anyone tell from where you can get the music which plays in the opening of new moon movie when a new moon is shown?

try itunes they have pretty much everything

What is the movie RV?

Comedy with Robbin Williams as a family man taking his kids on a much needed adventure in an RV.

Who played carl in the movie RV?

Josh Hutcherson