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Nacho Pérez and he is a HUNK!

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Q: Who plays doody cacas in your life in ruins?
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Who is poopy cacas?

he is the us driver from 'My life in ruins' who falls in love with the tour guide he drives the bus for

What are some major accomplishments Ramses the 2ND done in his life?

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What are 2 ideas that influenced life during the renaissance?

Two influential ideas during the Renaissance were humanism, which emphasized the importance of human potential and achievements, and the revival of classical learning, including art, literature, and philosophy from ancient Greece and Rome. These ideas led to a focus on individualism, creativity, and scholarly pursuits that helped shape the culture of the time.

What is the duration of My Life in Ruins?

The duration of My Life in Ruins is 1.58 hours.

When was Life Among the Ruins created?

Life Among the Ruins was created in 1993.

When was My Life in Ruins created?

My Life in Ruins was created on 2009-05-07.

When was My Life in Ruins released?

My Life in Ruins was released on 06/05/2009.

What was the Production Budget for My Life in Ruins?

The Production Budget for My Life in Ruins was $17,000,000.

What play has Grace Klondike in it?

Life Without Parole by Warren John Doody

How much money did My Life in Ruins gross worldwide?

My Life in Ruins grossed $20,465,206 worldwide.

How much money did My Life in Ruins gross domestically?

My Life in Ruins grossed $8,665,206 in the domestic market.

How technology ruins the life of student?

You could say it ruins the life of the student by letting the computer do the work for him. Technology can also be used as an immediate reference. I do not beleive that technology ruins the life of the student, I think that it makes the life of the student easier.