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Oscar- Justin Rolland. Bea- Chelsea Staub. Milo- Kyle Massey

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Kyle Massey from Corey in the house and That's so Raven.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Justin Roiland

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Q: Who plays bee and milo and Oscar on fish hooks?
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Are milo and Oscar brothers on fish hooks?

Yes Oscar and Milo are brothers

Who plays Oscar from fish hooks?

Justin Roiland= Oscar Kyle Massey= Milo Chelsea Kane= Bea Goldfishberg

What are the release dates for Fish Hooks - 2010 Milo and Oscar Move In 2-20?

Fish Hooks - 2010 Milo and Oscar Move In 2-20 was released on: USA: 8 June 2012

Are milo and Oscar from fish hooks brothers?

Milo and Oscar are not brothers. They are really close friends who live together! Hope that helped!

What actor plays Milo in Fish Hooks?

Kyle Massey :)

Who plays the voice of milo from fish hooks?

kyle massy

Who plays milo on fish hooks?

Kyle Massey.hope that helped you =)

Who talk for milo in fish hooks?

Milo in the series "Fish Hooks" is voiced by Kyle Massey. Sound familiar? ;)

Who plays Mylo in fish hooks?

Kyle Massey. By the way, it's spelt Milo. The first answer was me, just not signed in.

What are the release dates for Fish Hooks - 2010 Milo in a Cup Fish Taco 3-16?

Fish Hooks - 2010 Milo in a Cup Fish Taco 3-16 was released on: USA: 28 February 2014

What are the names of the characters on the Disney channel series fish hooks?

miloOscarbeajocktapus randyshelsea Albert glass the first ms.Baldwin rannthat's all I knowmiloOscarbeajocktapusshelsea albert glass the first ms.Baldwin randythat's all I know

What is milo and Oscars from fish hooks last name?
