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Mickey Smith is played by Noel Clarke.

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Q: Who plays as 'Mickey Smith' in Doctor Who?
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How do you get mickey smith on the adventure games doctor who?

You can't because Mickey isn't on Doctor Who anymore.

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Yes, she had a boyfriend is name is Mickey Smith.

Who is the best actor that plays the Doctor Who?

i think that the actor plays doctor in doctor who his name is got to be matt smith.

Has noel clarke always played mickey smith on doctor who show?

He's played Mickey Smith since Series 1 Episode 1 in 2005. In 'Rise of the Cybermen' (s02e5) he played the parallel version of Mickey, Ricky Smith. Yes, you heard that right.

Who is the actor who plays Doctor who?

Matt Smith

How do you get mickey smith and the fourth doctor on the Doctor Who adventure games?

The fourth doctor is in the Blood of the Cybermen game.When you arrive at the Artic research dome. Go forward then right and it should be behind a slanted black pillar. All's I know about Mickey Smith is that he is in the Shadows of the Vashta Nerada game.

Who plays luke smith in Doctor Who?

Tommy Knight

Who plays the part of Doctor Who?

The current Doctor Who (2010-2012) is Matt Smith.

Who is the Doctor in Doctor Who series 5?

Matt Smith plays the Eleventh Doctor in Series 5

When was Mickey Smith created?

Mickey Smith was created in 2005.

What actor now plays Doctor Who?

Peter Capaldi (the Twelfth Doctor) has been playing the Doctor since 2013, when he took over from Matt Smith.

Is Matt Smith in the doctor who episode the shakespeare code?

No, David Tennant plays the Doctor in that episode. Matt Smith isn't in it.