Francis X. Bushman died on August 23, 1966 at the age of 83.
daniel pearson :) x
Hugh Jackman
daniel pearson :) x
Edward Norton
Father's Song
Rush - The X-Files - was created on 1999-12-05.
Davey Arthur has written: 'A manual of practical X-ray work' -- subject(s): X-rays, Therapeutic use, Radiography, X-Rays
Arthur Holly Compton has written: 'X-rays and electrons'
The X Files - 1993 Rush 7-5 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 USA:TV-14
The actress who plays Scully in the X-Files is Gillian Anderson. She was born on August 9, 1968. She is originally from London, however she is known for various American roles.
Arthur X. Deegan has written: 'The priest as manager' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Church management, Clergy 'MBO* goes to college'
The X-Effect - 2006 Jess and Arthur 2-5 was released on: USA: 4 February 2008
Pius X was pope from August 4, 1903, until August 20, 1914.