It's Sharpay Evans. Her real name is Ashley Tisdale
Sharpay Evans is played by Ashley Tisdale.
Sharpay evans real name is James Adam Rodriguez and played a singer in high school musical. he is a very talented person but his career has slowed down.
Yes, Sharpay Evens is the drama queen. Always bossing her brother around... and pretty much everyone!!! (Sharpay has a crush on Troy.)
High School Musical is not a school, but East High is a real school. Its in Colchester. There is an actual school in Salt Lake where the 1st and 3rd movies were filmed. The resort home where Sharpay lives is in beautiful St.George, Utah.
In High School Musical Sharpay is very mean to Gabriella but in the end Sharpay is really nice to everyone. In every high school musical she is nice in the end.
Ashley T isdale
No, Ashley Tisdale plays Sharpay Evans in High School Musical
It's Sharpay Evans. Her real name is Ashley Tisdale
Sharpay is 18 in High School Musical which was released!
The newest in the high school musical series is the movie, "Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure" which is about what happens to one of the lead characters, Sharpay, after graduating from high school.
a convertable
fancy clothes
Sharpay Evans has a standard poodle named "Boi" in High School Musical 2.
I had to audition to be in high school musical. I hate high school musical nowthough. I really am sick of it. Especially how mean Gabriella is to Sharpay.