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Skandar Keynes plays Edmund Pevensie in the Chronicles of Narnia movies. The first film, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, was released in 2005.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Skandar Keynes

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Skandar Keynes

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It was the voice of Liam Neeson.

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Q: Who plays Edmund in Narnia?
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Who plays Edmund in The Chronicles of Narnia?

Skandar Keynes played Edmund in The Chronicles of Narnia movie franchise.

Who plays Edmund in the chronicals of Narnia?

Skandar Keynes plays the role of Edmund Pevensie . also very cute!

Who plays Edmund in the lion the witch and wardrobe?

Edmund in Narnia is called skandar keynes

Who is playing Edmund in Narnia?

Will Poulter played the character of Edmund Pevensie in the film adaptation of "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader."

Who plays Edmen in Narnia?

Well, his name is Edmund, not Edmen, and he is played by Skandar Keynes.

Whom did Edmund meet first in Narnia?

Edmund first met the White Witch in Narnia. She tempted him with promises of power and Turkish Delight, which ultimately led him to betray his siblings.

What is the younger boys name off of Narnia?

The youngest boy in The Chronicles of Narnia series is named Edmund Pevensie.

What is Edmund's real name in Narnia?

Edmund is played by Skander Keynes in the Narnia movies that have come out in the 2000's.

Is Skander Keynes in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader?

Yes, Skandar Keynes portrays Edmund Pevensie in the film "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader."

What was Skandar Keynes's character's name in Narnia?

Skandar Keynes played the character Edmund Pevensie in the "Chronicles of Narnia" film series. Edmund is one of the four Pevensie siblings who discover the magical world of Narnia.

Did Harry Styles play Edmund in Narnia?

No. Skandar Keynes played Edmund.

Does Edmund fall in love in The Chronicles of Narnia?
