Jenna-Louise Coleman Plays Clara, the Doctor's new companion, the Dalek, and the Victorian Governess.
Georgia Moffett played the role of Jenny in the Doctor Who episode 'The Doctor's Daughter'.
Kathryn Jenkins
Christopher Eccleston is 9th doctor in 2005.
No, it is not the girl who plays Amy Pond in Doctor Who - it just looks like her.
Heather Graham
She plays the same character, more or less. The Doctor keeps running into the same woman, in different times. This 'impossible girl', Clara, dies twice, which is why the doctor is intent on keeping her modern day incarnation safe and solving her mystery. At the end of season 7, 'The Name of the Doctor' the mystery is revealed. The Great Intelligence lures the Doctor to Tranzelore, his final resting place, finding his 'body' which is not a corporeal body, but a twisting mass of tears in time. The Great Intelligence corrupts the Doctor's past, turning 'every win in to a loss, every victory into a defeat'. Clara steps into the tear right after, splitting herself into many different Claras, who all work in the background to keep the Doctor safe. Most of the time the Doctor isn't aware of this help, but some he does, as we saw in Asylum of the Daleks, and The Snowmen.
Do you mean what instruments are played in the background? I know Oswald plays the piano. I hope i helped!
Diedrich Bader
It's "Odd One Out" when Henry's cousin Louie comes into town. They try to play it on Henry's phonograph which doesn't work, so they go up to Oswald's room where he plays it on the piano
Some key characters during the Eleventh Doctor's era on Doctor Who include Amy Pond (companion), Rory Williams (companion), River Song (mysterious time traveler), and Clara Oswald (later companion). These characters played significant roles in the Eleventh Doctor's adventures and storylines.
Diedrich Bader plays the father. you may also know him as oswald from the drew Carey show!
i think that the actor plays doctor in doctor who his name is got to be matt smith.
Colin Baker
Matt Smith plays the Eleventh Doctor in Series 5
She should stay being Obese and wear the Same Outfit that the Character Carl wore in a Sarah Jane Adventures and go back into Doctor Who as a Obese Clara who is actually a Slitheen in Disguise
Georgia Moffett played the role of Jenny in the Doctor Who episode 'The Doctor's Daughter'.