In the show Happy Days, the role of Richie Cunningham was played by Ron Howard. Already an established actor at the time of the show, he has gone on to become a very famous and successful actor, writer, and director, and producer.
Mr. C.
Marion Cunningham ("Happy Days")
Ron Howard played Richard Cunningham on Happy Days.
Erin Moran. She played the role of Joanie Cunningham.
In the show Happy Days, the role of Richie Cunningham was played by Ron Howard. Already an established actor at the time of the show, he has gone on to become a very famous and successful actor, writer, and director, and producer.
Happy Days
The lead character was The Fonz or Fonzie (Arthur Fonzarelli), played by Henry Franklin Winkler.
De Soto
Richard "Richie" Cunningham.
Mr. C.
Happy Days - 1974 Little Baby Cunningham 9-5 was released on: USA: 3 November 1981