Sean Penn has not appeared in a film by that title.
Sean Biggerstaff plays the Gryffindor Quidditch captain in Harry Potter.
Donat Sean Abiff has: Played Prom Dancer in "Cold Case" in 2003. Played Donat Ricketts in "Parental Control" in 2005. Played Kappa Tau Pledge in "Greek" in 2007. Played Wrestler in "Matted" in 2010. Played Student in "Cougars Inc." in 2011. Played Blake in "Vignettes" in 2013. Performed in "Big Gay Love" in 2013. Played Blake in "Awkward Moments: Sizzle Reel" in 2013.
Yes. He played the body, but not the voice, of Thackery Binx.
Doug Whitmore played by Sean Astin.
Oliver Wood. He is a fictional character and does not exist in real life. He was played by actor Sean Biggerstaff.
Sean Connery played James Bond in the film Dr. No.
The Pledge - directed by Sean Penn also with Robin Wright Penn
Sean Oliver has: Played Ghost in the Dungeon in "The Sixth Sense" in 1999. Played Young Man in "A Clown in Babylon" in 1999. Played Police Officer in "Unbreakable" in 2000. Played Young Father McNamee in "Diary of a City Priest" in 2001. Played Soldier in "God Is on Their Side" in 2002. Played Jack Gibbons in "March" in 2002. Played Officer Nelson in "Hack" in 2002. Played Voice of Sean in "Birth" in 2004. Played Det. Jeff Scott in "Conviction" in 2006. Played Podcast in "Reservation Road" in 2007. Played himself in "Ring Roasts III" in 2010.
Sean Biggerstaff plays the Gryffindor Quidditch captain in Harry Potter.
Sean Connery's nemesis in LXG is played by Richard Roxburgh.
are you sure it was Sean connery , Anthony Hopkins played in " instinct", in the movie they look a lot alike.
Sean Nicholson's birth name is Sean Oliver Nicholson.
Donat Sean Abiff has: Played Prom Dancer in "Cold Case" in 2003. Played Donat Ricketts in "Parental Control" in 2005. Played Kappa Tau Pledge in "Greek" in 2007. Played Wrestler in "Matted" in 2010. Played Student in "Cougars Inc." in 2011. Played Blake in "Vignettes" in 2013. Performed in "Big Gay Love" in 2013. Played Blake in "Awkward Moments: Sizzle Reel" in 2013.
Oliver Wood. He is a fictional character and does not exist in real life. He was played by actor Sean Biggerstaff.
Many well known actors starred in the movie "I Am Sam". Among them are Sean Penn, who played the mentally disabled father, Michelle Pfeiffer, who played his lawyer, and Dakota Fanning, who played Sean Penn's daughter.
Avery played the character Bob Dill in the 2005 movie 'The Rocket'.