he is old enought to know that denis likes penis in his mouth and will is gay
Hector Zeroni played zero in holes, nyjah was not in it.
Zero- Hector Zerozi
Zero had to trust that Stanley would take care of him when they were climbing on God's thumb. That's one trustworthy moment.
Zero's real name is Hector Zeroni
because they think he's stupid and worthless; a zero
no he wasnt Zero was played by someother guy in the movie Holes
Hector Zeroni played zero in holes, nyjah was not in it.
Khleo Thomas
Hector Zeroni.
Zero- Hector Zerozi
January 30 1989
Because he doesnt speak so everyone thinks he has nothing (zero) in his brain. and also his name is something zeroni.
In the movie they show Zero meeting up with his mom. In the book they don't.
In the movie "Holes", the role of "Kissing" Kate Barlow was played by Patricia Arquette.
Stanley finds out that Zero was the cause of his troubles, but he feels like it was fate.
Uhm never... Thats only in the movie :)