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Wrong character you've listed there. Augustus Gloop was from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, but for the instance of that answer, the actor's name was Michael Bollner. The character from The Simpson's name is Uter Zorker (named pronounced "eww-ter"), and was voiced by Russi Taylor.

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Q: Who played German Augustus gloop Simpsons?
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Who played Augustus gloop?

Phillip Wiegratz a German child actor (used to be a child anyway)

Who was the first child to win the golden ticket charlie and the cocolate facttory?

Agustus Gloop got the first Golden Ticket in "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory". Hope This Helps :)

Who plays Augustus Gloop on Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory?

Michael Bollner played Augustus Gloop in the 1971 Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory.THANK IMDB FOR THE ANSWER

Who plays Agustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Philip Wiegratz played Augustus Gloop .

Who won the golden ticket in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

In all versions it was the fat German names Augustus Gloop.

In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who won the first golden ticket?

In all versions it was the fat German names Augustus Gloop.

What is the Willy Wonka Augustus Gloop lyrics?

Augustus Gloop Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop The great, big, nincompoop Augustus Gloop, so big and vile So greedy, foul and infantile Come on, we cried The time is ripe To send him shooting up the pipe But don't, dear children, be alarmed Augustus Gloop will not be harmed Augustus Gloop will not be harmed 'Oompa Loompa swimming Although, of course, we must admit He will be altered quite abit Slowly, wheels go roung and round And cogs begins to grind and pound This greedy brute, this louse's ear Is loved by people everwhere For who could hate or bear a grudge Against a luscious bit of fudge?

What was the fat boys name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

His name was Augustus Gloop. He didn't make it past the chocolate mixing room.

Who is Augustus glute - colbert report mentioned this character?

i think you mean = Augustus Gloop = from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In the story Augustus Gloop is an obese child who, through his love of chocolate, gets stuck in a let's say...sticky situation.

Who are the 5 children from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Charlie Bucket Veruca Salt Augustus Gloop Mike Teavee Violet Beauregarde

Who fell into the chocolate river in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

who fell in the chocolate river,in charlie and the chocolate factory

What does Augustus Gloop's mom tell him not to do as they leave the factory?

allo achmed speaking