The cast members of the NBC television show "Sanford and Son" that are still alive as of July 2016 are Demond Wilson, Lynn Hamilton, Raymond Allen, Eric Laneuville, Gregory Sierra, Howard Platt, Marlene Clark and Migdia Chinea-Varela and Migdia Chinea-Varela is also sometimes credited in productions as the name; Migdia Chinea.
I think he played the Policman..
Shie is dead No, according to Wikipedia she is still alive at nearly 80 years old.
Nathaniel Taylor was the actor who played Rollo on "Sanford and Son" and "Sanford". He went on to raise a family in California. There is really no word on what he is doing now.
I believe Redd Foxx's real name at birth was John Elroy Sanford. His real life brother was named Fred. Sanford and Son was taken from Steptoe and Son, the show that it was patterned after.
yes they are as far as I'm concerned she was the one that played Donna Harris lynn Hamilton was on Sanford and son
Sanford and Son - 1972 Donna Pops the Question 5-8 was released on: USA: 7 November 1975
uncle woody showed up at Fred and Donna's sup-posted wedding nut he was played by Deforest Kelly
Redd Foxx. He was the guy who played Fred Sanford, a junk dealer, in the NBC sitcom Sanford and Son.
You are talking about Redd Foxx who played Fred Sanford in the tv show, 'Sanford and Son'.
Redd Foxx played the character Fred G. Sanford on the sitcom Sanford and Son....he was a junk dealer that lived with his son, LaMont.
Redd Foxx's son Lamont Sanford was played by Demond Wilson.
You are talking about Redd Foxx who played Fred Sanford in the tv show, 'Sanford and Son'.
Ted Harris has: Played Member of Eccentric Group in "Sanford and Son" in 1972. Played Bobby McCoy in "Blacula" in 1972. Performed in "Mister Brown" in 1973. Played Akbar in "Blackjack" in 1978. Played Reporter in "The Rose" in 1979. Performed in "Hill Street Blues" in 1981. Played Gregory in "UFOria" in 1985.
Norma Miller has: Played Black Singer in "A Day at the Races" in 1937. Played Dolly in "Sanford and Son" in 1972. Played Jackie in "Sanford and Son" in 1972. Played Roxie in "Sanford and Son" in 1972. Played The Go-Go Dancer in "Grady" in 1975. Played Doreen in "Sparkle" in 1976. Played Dolly Wilson in "Sanford Arms" in 1977. Played herself in "American Masters" in 1985. Played Roseland Dancer in "Malcolm X" in 1992. Played Clara in "Captiva Island" in 1995.
The cast members of the NBC television show "Sanford and Son" that are still alive as of July 2016 are Demond Wilson, Lynn Hamilton, Raymond Allen, Eric Laneuville, Gregory Sierra, Howard Platt, Marlene Clark and Migdia Chinea-Varela and Migdia Chinea-Varela is also sometimes credited in productions as the name; Migdia Chinea.
I think he played the Policman..