Kelly Leak was played by Jackie Earle Haley.
From Carmen - actually Prelude To Act 1 by Bizet
the bad news bears
Monique Cooper
Bad News Bears
Erin Blunt has: Played Jody Foster in "The Waltons" in 1971. Played Wilbur in "Happy Days" in 1974. Played Willie in "Quincy M.E." in 1976. Played Ahmad Abdul Rahim in "The Bad News Bears" in 1976. Played Marcus in "Serpico" in 1976. Played Ali Baba in "Stranded" in 1976. Played Arthur Radley in "Rafferty" in 1977. Played Ahmad Abdul Rahim in "The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training" in 1977. Played Ahmad Rahim in "The Bad News Bears Go to Japan" in 1978. Played Accomplice in "Hill Street Blues" in 1981. Played Sal in "The Healing" in 1983.
chris barnes
The duration of Bad News Bears is 1.85 hours.
The duration of The Bad News Bears is 1.7 hours.
Bad News Bears was created on 2005-07-22.
The Bad News Bears was created on 1976-04-07.
The Production Budget for The Bad News Bears was $35,000,000.
The Bad News Bears grossed $33,500,620 worldwide.
he played in bad news bears (2005) & he was hot :3
Billy Bob Thornton
The duration of The Bad News Bears - TV series - is 1440.0 seconds.
The Bad News Bears grossed $32,868,349 in the domestic market.