Lord Strategical owned it in about 2000-2002. Don't know if he still does.
hank snow
Matt Le Breton
A landlady owns the house or building where you live and rents it to you. You have to pay her rent regularly.
Chatsworth House is owned and managed by the Chatsworth House Trust. The Duke of Devonshire and his family live at Chatsworth, paying rent to the Charity for their rooms.
Mauchline F.C. was created in 1873.
Mauchline is a small village in East Ayrshire near Kilmarnock
Ayr to Mauchline Branch was created in 1870.
Mauchline railway station ended in 1965.
Mauchline railway station was created in 1848.
Battle of Mauchline Muir happened on 1648-06-12.
John Mauchline has written: 'Euphausiid, Stomatopod and Leptostracan Crustaceans' -- subject(s): Crustacea 'The Biology of calanoid copepods'
The owner of the land owns the house.
Winners of Battle Of The Bands Mauchline Club 09 are Wake Up Call Contact the band via bebo.....wake-up-call1
the buckfastard
you do