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Merv Griffin

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Q: Who made the song I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts?
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Did merv griffin sing you have a lovely bunch of coconuts?

No. The correct title of the song is "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts."

What Disney movie has the song I've got a bunch of lovely coconuts?

The lion king its sung by zazu

Why are the coconuts standing in a row?

The phrase comes from a song written by English song writer Fred Heatherton in 1944 and made famous by American singer Danny Kaye. The idea was that the coconuts were for sale by a vendor and placed in a row for the customers to see before buying. And a lovely bunch of coconuts they were!

What is the little song that the mankini gnome off gnomeo and Juliet sings?

Watched this film yesterday and I think it's something along the lines of 'I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts'

What was the first veronicas song?

Their first single was 4ever. The first song they ever performed live was "I have a lovely bunch of coconuts" (age 5). There are other songs floating around online from when they were teenagers.

Where did the catch phrase 'whoops have a banana' come from?

Answer"the have a banana" line comes from a cheery musical hall song in England called "Lets all go down the Strand"and at the end of the verse the song has a chorus..."Let's all go down the Strand - have a banana Let's all go down the Strand..."on the song i have a lovely bunch of coconuts, towards the final verse there is a follow up with"i have a lovely bunch of coconuts-lalalalalaeverybody throw and make me rich- have a banana"

What song does Rafiki sing at the beginning of ''The Lion King''?

The songs Zazu sings to Scar are "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen", "It's a Small World", and "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts".

What song talks about lovely Anne?

Song that talk about lovely Anne include songs like Lovely Anne McGee, Lovely Anne by John Drury, and Lovely Annie by Oiux. Another song is The Lovely Anne Hathaway.

What was the last song the band played as the titanic sank?

In the movie, the last song they played was "Nearer My God to Thee." I don't know if that was the last song the actual band played or not.

What are some of the lyrics to the 'Coconut song'?

"The Coconut Song " Written by Monty Python : "I've Got a lovely bunch of cocunuts every ball you throw at me will make me rich there stands my wife , the idol of me life.."

When was the song isn't she lovely made?

Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder is on the album Songs in the Key of Life, which was released September 28, 1976.

Did Enya sing a song in the movie the lovely bones?

Yes. Enya's song "We are free now" was in the lovely bones.