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Q: Who loves cats in one direction?
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Who in one direction loves eating the most?

That's absolutly Niall! He loves food, and he loves Nandos :-)

What are Harry Styles hobbies?

obviously singing and he also likes hanging around with members of the group from one direction and he also likes sport :)

Who fancies neill from One Direction?

First of all its NIALL not neill ok? and everyone loves NIALL because that's what true directioners do!

What school has more One Direction fans?

The school that has the most one direction fans are the aynesworth elementary school in fresno, california. We all love one direction. I love harry styles, i think harry styles is the sexiest beast. I always dream with him and me together with our little darcy styles. I really want to meet them.Harry styles if you ever read this aynesworth school loves you and one direction, because everyone likes either my hot harry styles, niall horan, zayn malik, liam payne, and louis tomlinson.Hey,liam my friend has payne in her heart for liammy other friend loves niall horanmy other friend love louis tomlinsonmy sister loves zayn malikand i'm truthly in love with the most hottest one of all harry stylesthe school that loves you the most are aynesworth elementary and terronez middle school in fresnowe all love one direction especially me because i keep on buying one direction posters instead of the backpack i'm always taking money to buyi really buy the posters because i think that a one direction poster is way more important than a new backpacki love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is harry styles's favourite animal?

He likes cats and has an obsession with turtles; having a turtle collection sent and given to him by fans.

Related questions

What is harry from One Direction hometown?

Well, honey, Harry Styles is from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire, England. So, if you're looking for the birthplace of that heartthrob, that's the spot. Just remember, he may have moved on from that small town, but it's where it all began for that curly-haired crooner.

What are the one direction boys favorite things?

Niall loves Nando's and food. Harry loves cats. Zayn loves mirrors Louis likes girls who eat carrots Liam likes forks

Why does Harry Styles love cats?

He likes cats he also has one called dusty and his first word as a baby was cat there your serch for an answer is over hope it helped

What do the one direction boys love?

Harry Styles loves cats and bow-ties, Niall Horan loves food, Louis Tomlinson loves carrots, Zayn Malik loves himself "cause he's vain ;) see what I did there?" And Liam Payne loves working out.

Who in One Directions loves animals?

Everybody in one direction loves animals

Who loves one direction the most?


Which member in one direction loves n'sync?

Zayn loves 'em.

Which member of One Direction loves turtles?

liam payne loves turtles :-)

Which one direction guy says give me that cats?

Harry is the member of One Direction who's associated with cats, but he hasn't said that

Who in one direction loves eating the most?

That's absolutly Niall! He loves food, and he loves Nandos :-)

What is a directionater?

A Directionater is someone who HATES one direction. A Directioner is someone who LOVES One Direction.

How many people loves cats?

Everybody loves cats! I know I do!