The killer of Smaug is Bard the Bowman. He's alerted by a thrush who overheard of Smaug's weakness (a single bare spot in his bejeweled chest).
Bard, a man in the town of Esgaroth, a town by the lake, killed the dragon. He was told by the thrush where Smaug's weak spot was, and thus Bard was able to shoot the dragon through the heart.
Smaug in The Hobbit is killed by an arrow to the heart, fired by Bard the Bowman, of Laketown.
The HobbitThe Fellowship of the Ring, Book IThe Fellowship of the Ring, Book IIThe Two Towers, Book IThe Two Towers, Book IIThe Return of the King, Book IThe Return of the King, Book IIThe Silmarillion is another book that Tolkien also set in Middle-earth thousands of years before the first of the Hobbit books, but it is a history of the Elves and does not concern itself with Hobbits (except briefly in its final chapter where it reviews the events of the end of the Third Age from the point of view of the Elves, which differs slightly from the point of view of the Hobbits).
Smaug doesn't recognize the scent of Hobbit, although he knows what dwarves and men smell like.
Smaug the dragon was voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch.
The Fellowship of the Ring , The Two Towers and The Return of the King .
His sense of smell. It is one of the main reasons why Gandalf chooses Bilbo as the 14th member of the Company (because while Smaug would be familiar with the smell of Dwarf, the smell of Hobbit "would be all but unknown to him").
Smaug only appeared in the Hobbit, where he was killed and he never appeared again (because he was dead). So smaug was not in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but he was in the Hobbit.
No, he makes it back home. After all, he does have a part to play in The Lord of the Rings.
The HobbitThe Fellowship of the Ring, Book IThe Fellowship of the Ring, Book IIThe Two Towers, Book IThe Two Towers, Book IIThe Return of the King, Book IThe Return of the King, Book IIThe Silmarillion is another book that Tolkien also set in Middle-earth thousands of years before the first of the Hobbit books, but it is a history of the Elves and does not concern itself with Hobbits (except briefly in its final chapter where it reviews the events of the end of the Third Age from the point of view of the Elves, which differs slightly from the point of view of the Hobbits).
Smaug doesn't recognize the scent of Hobbit, although he knows what dwarves and men smell like.
The main conflict in The Hobbit is trying to regain the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the Dragon.
Lake town
The Desolation of Smaug
Yes. The second installment will be called The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
The Hobbit; The Desolation of Smaug will be released December 2013
Yes, the Desolation of Smaug
smaug dies
Smaug the dragon was voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch.