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Stuart Chandler was a character on the soap Opera All My Children. David Canary portrayed him as well as Adam Chandler, Stuarts twin brother. Nobody really knows who supposedly killed Stuart. First Zach Slater confessed to shooting him but his wife Kendall was arrested for it. Several people believed Kendall was innocent and that Annie actually did it. When Adam collapsed from exhaustion, Stuart came to him in a vision and asked him if had also been shot. Then Emma Lavery had a flashback and we see that Adam actually shot Stuart while he was in a drugged state. It then turns out that Stuart never actually died and that David Hayward had been keeping him alive with his Project Orpheus.

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Q: Who killed Stuart Chandler?
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On all your children who killed Stuart?

If you mean "All My Children," Adam Chandler accidentally shot and killed his identical twin brother, Stuart Chandler. Adam was under the influence of drugs which David Hayward gave to him instead of his heart medicine. This storyline lasted for 5 months, until Emma Lavery revealed who the real killer was. Annie was trying to protect Adam by not letting him get caught.

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I guess you mean All My Children. Adam Chandler, who was Stuart's identical twin brother, shot Stuart by accident. David Hayward drugged Adam so he didn't know what he was doing.

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Adam! Adam shot Stuart on accident because hayward drugged Adam so really he didnt mean to kill Stuart it was all haywards fault

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If you mean why does Adam Chandler trust Annie on children, it's because she saved his life on the night that Stuart died. When the gunshot was heard, Annie took Adam up to the attic to take care of him because he was having a heart attack.

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"at Chandler's" if you're speaking of a place. "in Chandler's writing / Chandler's books" when speaking of the writing of the author. Chez is the French word for House or home, so Chez Chandler is Chandler's House or Chandler's home.

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The address of the Chandler Historical Society Chandler Historical Museum is: Po Box 926, Chandler, AZ 85244-0926

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