Yaddle was born in 509 BBY and died in 26 BBY, so she was 483 years old when she died
Yes, Yaddle does die. She sacrifices herself in order to protect the citizens of Mawan from being harmed by a deadly chemical weapon.
How many planatery rotations make up a year on coruscant? 368 local daysdo you know who yaddle is??????? i do. Yaddle, also known as "The One Below", was a renowned female Jedi Master, who went on to serve the Jedi High Council for over a century before her death in 26 BBY during a peacekeeping mission to Mawan.
No one really knows what Yoda's species is. There were three Yoda-like Jedi on the Jedi Council who were Yoda-like: Yoda, a 2 ft tall green 800 yr old Jedi Master; Yaddle, a 2 ft tall green 500(???)yr old Jedi Master, and a pink Jedi Master with one eye whose name was Vandar. The pink master is about 3 or 4 ft tall, but has the big ears. Yaddle is the presumed to be of the same species as Yoda, but Yaddle is a girl. To answer your question simply, (and without all of the extra-and possibly helpful-information) Yoda's species/race is unknown. Furthermore, no one knows who Yoda's parents were, where he was born, etc, etc.
Himself and Yaddle. Yaddle was the other 'Yoda'. But only in the first movie. They took her and Yarael Poof out for the second movie because of the cost of the animation for all three characters.
Yoda's species is actually unknown, no one knows anything about him or where he came from. Although in some video games and starwars movies, there have been a few of his specie popping in, like Yaddle, in ep 1. really yoda is known as a whil (w-ill) mr. lucas said that yet his name is not mentioned in the star wars films
YODA, ki-adi mundi, a wierd long headed guy, some kind of hairy thing and alot others...lol Ok all the jedi on the jedi council are Yoda, poblo jill, colmen trebor, ki-adi-mundi, even piell, plo koon, the weird long headed guy is yarael poof, saesee tiin, eeth koth, the hairy guy is, oppo rancisis, yaddle, depa billaba,kit fistso, agen kolar, obi-wan-kenobi, and last but not least mace windu. thanks and may the force be with you.
I've gotta go with Jar Jar Binks secretly being a Sith Lord. The (surely one-sided) evidence I saw was very compelling!Also, I'm not sure I've seen it discussed, but I had a pet theory for a while that Poe was a double agent for the First Order after he was interrogated in The Force Awakens.
Here is a list of all those who served on the Jedi High Council during the Rise of the Empire era. -Yoda, Grand master of the Jedi Order -Yaddle -Oppo Rancisis -Tor Difusal -Thame Cerulian -Jocasta Nu, protector of the Jedi holobooks -Sifo Dyas, the Jedi Master who commissioned the creation of the Clone Armies. -Dooku, once a Jedi, then a Sith Lord -Tyvokka -Mace Windu, Master of the Order (after Yoda) -Yarael Poof -Micah Giett -Saesee Tiin -Even Piell -Eeth Koth -Adi Gallia -Unidentified purple Jedi -Plo Koon -Depa Billaba -Ki-Adi-Mundi -Coleman Trebor -Shaak Ti -Kit Fisto -Obi-Wan Kenobi -Agen Kolar -Coleman Kcaj -Stass Allie -Anakin Skywalker, representative of the Supreme Chancellor It is important to note that not all of these Jedi served at the same time. Some died, some left the order, etc. Only 12 Jedi at a time served on the Council.
if who trained yoda in the jedi ways is your question than the answer is: the history of yoda is verry unclear and however some believe that tullzakk-elosh informed yoda that he was very strong in the force and parcially taught yoda the basics of the force and light saber use then after yoda was tested by the jedi counsil he was trained by jedi master dyn-wey who died very soon after begining yodas training then giving yoda to jedi master kumel-uzaun then when he was ready to become an apprentace he went on his own for several years going on missions with other jedi until he was exepted by the council and turned into a jedi master and member of the council