Travis Nunn is a well known musician. As of September 2014, he is a member of the Chris Tomlin Band.
Kendell Nunn is 5' 7".
David Alexander Nunn died in 1918.
He found out he had terminal cancer.
Travis Schuldt's birth name is Travis Scott Schuldt.
Travis Stork's birth name is Travis Lane Stork.
Richard Nunn goes by Richard Bellamy Nunn.
Judy Nunn's birth name is Judith Anne Nunn.
Alice Nunn's birth name is Alice Elizabeth Nunn.
Alice Nunn went by Nunn the Pun, and Large Marge.
Bill Nunn's birth name is William G. Nunn.
Larry Nunn's birth name is Richard Larry Nunn.
Trevor Nunn's birth name is Trevor Robert Nunn.
Wayne Nunn's birth name is Nunn, Shephard Wayne.
Rachael Nunn is 6'.
Kendell Nunn is 5' 7".
Joseph Nunn was born in 1905.
Joseph Nunn died in 1968.