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BURN$Z from Brooklyn, New York is the World's Most Futuristic Rapper. His upcoming album Digital Conspiracy proves it all. The album is themed in the future, the music produced by Pierre Cook from Ottawa, Canada delivers an edgy, overdrive of pulse pounding heat! BURN$Z lyrics carries the futuristic vibe and content through the whole album. You can listen to BURN$Z here http;//

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Q: Who is the world's futuristic rapper?
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Who is the world's most futuristic rapper?

BURN$Z_is_the_Worlds_Most_Futuristic_Rapper">BURN$Z is the World's Most Futuristic RapperBURN$Z, is the Worlds Most Futuristic Rapper. His upcoming album 'Digital Conspiracy' produced by Pierre Cook, is a mammoth explosion of futuristic rap from BURN$Z. He has the futuristic rap genre under his reign. The song 'Future' is a view into a time when the Earth is occupied with nanotechnologically enhanced robo-sapiens.BURN$Z belts out bleeding -edge lyrics about cars that drive people, stargate travel, RF technology, exoskeletons powered by anti-gravity technology, and his relation to the notorious Spring Heeled Jack. This is as futuristic as it gets.Most people agree that BURN$Z has the best futuristic rap content in the industry.To hear BURN$Z for yourself go to

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I think that the richest drummer is Tony Royster Jr. currently touring with rapper Jay Z.

How do you write a sentence with futuristic in the sentence?

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because the director joking i don't know and go to utube and search worlds fastest rapper:-)

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