Richard Ridings is the voice of Daddy Pig in the Television Show, Peppa Pig.
It was me who asked it so I will answer it the voice of pepper pig is the voice of a little girl who goes to my school I will not reveal the name of the school as her mum would kill me. To prove to my friends I answered it I will sign off using my nickname from the back of my pink jumper I got made for me. Milly Rose From P.C School
David spade
David Spade
Peppa pig (to me) is 6 and George is 3, Mommy pig is 28 and Daddy pig is 30. Peppa friends are 6 - 8 along with Cousin Chloe who is 10. Uncle and Aunty pig are 45, and Grandpa and Grandma pig are 65.
Babe: Pig In The City as a voice role.
It was me who asked it so I will answer it the voice of pepper pig is the voice of a little girl who goes to my school I will not reveal the name of the school as her mum would kill me. To prove to my friends I answered it I will sign off using my nickname from the back of my pink jumper I got made for me. Milly Rose From P.C School
In Pig Latin, the word "daddy" would be "add-day."
Pepper pig is indeed a boy because it has a dick
Daddy pig
It actually hears it's fathers voice while still in the womb. Which is why, when it is born, it will already be comforted by daddy's voice.
From a mommy and daddy pig.
yes, yes he does.
Pepper pig happensss
David Spade
The cast of Pepper - 2002 includes: Jackson Murphy as Voice
It yo grand daddy <Mr.Brown voice! .