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Not 100% Sure But it sounds like Sasha Barren Cohen

i dont know weather its the same person but i believe he is in the childrens television programes 'trapped' and 'brain jitsu' he is the caretaker and sensei.

Simon Greenall is the voice... Sasha Barren Cohen is 100% wrong. Simon Greenall is the geordie who appears in Allan Partridge.

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Q: Who is the voice in the compare the meerkat ad?
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Who is the voice of Aleksandr the meerkat from compare the

Simon Greenall

What does the meerkat say in the compare the meerkat advert?

Simples !

Is peter jurassik the voice of Alexandra meerkat?

No, Simon Greenall is the voice of the meerkat Aleksandr Orlov.

Name of animal in telus commercial?

The current Telus ad - August 2008 - features a meerkat. See

Where can you download compare the meerkat advertisement?

you can download it from youtube

Is there going to be a compare the meerkat film?

Yes, a film based on the "Compare the Meerkat" advertising campaign is in development. The film will likely follow the adventures of the popular meerkat character, Aleksandr Orlov, and his meerkat friends.

Is compare the meerkat com a real website?

yes ... it is really cool... but there is a lot of advertising The best part is searching for your meerkat :)

Can you compare the

yes u can compare the meerkat go here

Who is the voice for temon the meerkat?

Simon Greenall. Look it up on wikipedia.

When did compare the meerkat advert first appear?

Friday 2nd October 2009

What is the average weight of a compare the meerkat com?

500 terabytes is the average weight

Why is 'compare the meerkat' so amazingly amazing?

Sergei is a very clever meerkat, so he managed to make people want to compare meerkats. Aleksandr has very good advertising skills, so people want to compare meerkats even more! Also because it makes 'compare the muskrat' seem awful