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sounds like chris cooper to me

I think it sounds like Sam Shepard...whoever it is, I could listen to him talk all day!

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Q: Who is the voice in the C spire commercials?
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Who does the voice over for GM commercials?

It is Michael C. Hall who plays Dexter on Showtime. He also does the voice over for the Dodge Grand Caravan commercials.

Is c spire a gsm provider?

Yes, C-Spire is GSM

When was C Spire Wireless created?

C Spire Wireless was created in 1988.

Who is the voice on Cspire commercials?

Sounds like Sam Elliott but I looked him up on IMDB and he doesn't have any credits for C Spire. ___________________________________________________________________ It sounds like Will Patton to me. (He was in the Armageddon movie and on "24"). I'd like to know for sure - I love his voice!

Does c spire wireless sell iPhones?

The iPhone 4S will become available on C Spire 11 November 2011.

Who does the voice over in the Verizon commercials?

The person who does the voice over for the Verizon Wireless ads is Keifer Sutherland. He also does the voice over for the Bank of America commercials and used to do the voice over for Nissan commercials.

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Commercials order

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The person who does the voice over in Pedigree commercials is David Duchovny.

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Billy Vera does the voice overs for the AM/PM commercials

Who is the voice for the Hyundai Sonata and genesis commercials?

Jeff Bridges is the new voice of Hyundai commercials.

Who does the voice over in the Verizon Wirless Commercials?

The person who does the voice over for the Verizon Wireless ads is Keifer Sutherland. He also does the voice over for the Bank of America commercials and used to do the voice over for Nissan commercials.

How do you make an iPhone work on c spire?

i got mine to work with c spire at they unlock any phone to any carrier