The voice actor of Sora in Naruto is Daisuke Hirakawa. And Keiko Nemoto voices him when he is a kid.
His voice actor in Japanese is Mayumi Asano and his voice actor in English is Susan Dalian.
kate Higgins
The voice of Naruto, Junko Taekuchi, probably lives in Japan.
a lady---In the original Japanese anime, Naruto's voice actor was Junko Takeuchi. In the English adaptation, it's Maile Flanagan.there's to for his Japanese and English, you should look up naruto on wikipedia and it will tell you who does both.
Chris Edgerly
cause sora's voice actor hit puberty and his voice deepened and now he can't do the original voice acting for young sora
His voice actor in Japanese is Mayumi Asano and his voice actor in English is Susan Dalian.
Junko Takeuchi
kate Higgins
Naruto's seiyu (voice actor) is Junko Takeuchi.
The voice of Naruto, Junko Taekuchi, probably lives in Japan.
a lady---In the original Japanese anime, Naruto's voice actor was Junko Takeuchi. In the English adaptation, it's Maile Flanagan.there's to for his Japanese and English, you should look up naruto on wikipedia and it will tell you who does both.
If your talking about the voice actor it'sYuri Lowenthal
What do you mean? voice actor is Akira Ishida
Chris Edgerly
Tobi , from Naruto , is voiced by Joshua Seth .
Yes, Naruto and Sora do fight. They fight at least two times.