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Duchess was voiced by Russi Taylor .

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Q: Who is the voice actor for Duchess the cat from Babe?
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Who is Yoruichi Shihōin's actor from Bleach?

The Japanese voice actor is Satsuki Yukino, and when she is a cat, Shiro Saito. The English voice actor is Wendee Lee, and when she is a cat, Terrence Stone.

Are Christopher Robin and the Disney Character Pinocchio girls and Duchess the Cat from The Aristocats is a boy?

christopher and pinoochio are boys and duchess the cat is a female

What is active voice and passive voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs the action, while passive voice is when the subject of a sentence receives the action. For example, "The cat chased the mouse" is in active voice, whereas "The mouse was chased by the cat" is in passive voice.

Which Disney cartoons have a character named duchess?

The Disney MOVIE, the Aristocats, has a cat named Duchess.

In which Disney film will you find Duchess?

Duchess is the name of the mother cat in the Disney film The Aristocats.

What is the passive voice in a sentence?

Passive voice allows us to put someone or something that is not the actor first in a sentence - in the position of the subject.Example : The cat was chased. (by the dog) - passiveThe dog chased the cat - active.Use the passive voice without the actor if the actor is not important or not known.Example : The Mona Lisa was painted in the 16th century.Help! The post office has been robbed!The passive allows us to leave the actor until the end of the sentence, if the actor is important.Example :The painting is very valuable, as it was painted by Van Gogh.To form a passive sentence: use be + the past participle (eg. is used/was eaten / is being asked).Example : The road is being built this year.

Who is ryoma's tagalog voice actor?

Echizen Ryoma's voice in the Tagalog dub is provided by Charmaine Cordoviz, who also voices Ryuzaki Sakuno, Ryoma's cat Karupin, and numerous other supporting and minor characters.

What is the difference of passive and active voice in writing?

In the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. For example, "The cat chased the mouse." In the passive voice, the subject receives the action. For example, "The mouse was chased by the cat." Active voice is usually preferred for its clarity and directness.

What are your suggestions for the cast of warrior cats?

It's hard to say for each individual cat. However, the voices should be like the characters. For example, Brambleclaw is a strong cat and can be cold and nice. For Brambleclaw's voice, it would be better if an actor that can copy Brambleclaw's personality and to embody it than to have a softer actor.

Are Christopher Robin and the Disney Character Pinocchio girls and Duchess the Cat from The Aristocats a boy?

Christopher Robin and Pinocchio are both boys. Duchess is female.

What is the voice of the swan?

A voice of a swan is a drowning cat

Who was the female voice that accompanies Nat King Cole in The Ballad of Cat Ballou?

In the film "Cat Ballou" the song is sung at the beginning, before the opening credits, by Nat King Cole and Stubby Kaye - a male American comic actor.