Brian, Jasper, Vinny, New Brian, Todd, 2 unseen neighborhood dogs.
Brian: Portrait of a Dog
Did the guy from talking angela get arrested?
Season 8 | Episode 8: Dog Gone
No such character exists on Family Guy
If you're referring to the Planetarium... that would be One (Is the Loneliest Number) - Three Dog Night
Absolutely none seeing that Family Guy has a talking dog & a fully understood talking baby.
Brian from family guy.
if you are talking about the guy with the dog then his name is Kiba inuzuka
A cartoon dog.
you are probably talking about Lois griffin who is one of the main characters in family guy
You have Family Guy Mixed up with Two and a Half men.
He's the Griffin family's alcoholic talking dog as well as peters best friend in Family Guy.
Jimmy Kimmel
On his own? What the heck are you talking about? Peter has never been single on Family Guy.
If you are talking about Peter's friends they are Cleveland, Joe, and Quagmire.
Family Guy - 1999 Brian Portrait of a Dog 1-7 is rated/received certificates of: Ireland:12 (1999)
Todd was the name of the Griffin's dog before Brian.