Target has an advertising campaign called Hello Goodbuy. The blonde model in these commercials is an American model named Maria Bamford.
sam cassell
Susan Yeagley. I think she was in sprint commercials too.
McKenzie roth
Jeff Lynch has not released a list of credits for aired commercials. At this time the girl in them is unknown.
Who is the blond actress who does the Xfinity commercials?
Maria bamford
The blond girl in Toyota commercials holding Chihuahua is Rachel Hendrix.
It is Jessica Martenson.
Mike Bradecich
The blond woman from the Tread Climber commercials.
sam cassell
Susan Yeagley. I think she was in sprint commercials too.
Taaffe O'Connell
McKenzie roth
Could it be Tereena Gary? She did a wonderful job.
Her name is Sara Pace.
Kelly Stables