UR Mesopotamia
it is the Muslim festival celebrated to remember the birth day of prophet Muhammed
Allah Muhammed Saleem was born on 1967-01-13.
Al Khadr Abdallah Muhammed Al Yafi was born in 1970.
Suivant went with nabi Muhammed when he was going to the Thahif.
The marriage of Muhammed Nabi and Aysha R took place in their sixth month.
Hazrat Issa will now come as a follower (Ommati) of Nabi Muhammed (SAW).
Al sahla
wife of hazrat Dawood Alehslam, she was daughter of nabi, wife of nabi, and mother of nabi.
Nabi has written: 'Hayriye-i Nabi'
In reality is eid milad un nabi(celebrations of the birth of Muhammed) not a Islamic feast, because the prophet Muhammed did not observe this event and not his companions and neighter the next generation of Muslims, it is inovated by Shii't Muslims, Public celebrations of the birth of Muhammed did not occur until four centuries after his death. It was originally a festival of the Shia ruling class. Most Islamic scholars agree that the birth of Muhammad was the most significant event in Islamic history, they point out that the companions of Muhammad and the next generation of Muslims did not observe this event. Furthermore, they highlight that Muhammad did not observe the birth or death anniversaries of his family and loved ones, including that of his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, nor did he advise his followers to observe his birthday. So it is an improper innovation and forbidden because Muhammed, his companions , and predecessors all complaining about innovation. So eid milad un nabi has no value in Islam.
I think the meaning of name Ummer Farook is the Brave man in world because in Islam umar (ral) is the man who went bravely to kill the prophet muhammed nabi (sal).
Talat Saleem has written: 'Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi'
how much does the nabi cost