Esmeralda Leon is 5' 3".
Esmeralda Athanasiu-Gardeev died in 1917.
because frollo thought esmeralda was a witch and he was scared so he tried to KILL her. By the way, you need to see the movie! it is quite a thriller!
Esmeralda the telenovela first aired on the television station "Televisa" back in 1997. It was the remake of a 1970 Venezuelan series of the same name.
Esmeralda Hernandez was born in 1996, so right now she is 12 years old. Actually, now that the month of October has passed, she is actually now 13 years old.
Esmeralda Pimentel's birth name is Esmeralda Pimentel Murgua.
Esmeralda Moya's birth name is Esmeralda Moya Caas.
Esmeralda Grao's birth name is Esmeralda Cayuelas Grao.
To Be Esmeralda , You Need To Be Born Into A Warrior Class In The Hinduism Religion , You Will Find Peace && Become One Of The Esmeralda's :)
Esmeralda Mitre's birth name is Esmeralda Mitre lvarez De Toledo.
Ángel Esmeralda died in 1985.
Ángel Esmeralda was born in 1915.
Esmeralda Pimentel is 5' 7".
Esmeralda Moya is 171 cm.
Esmeralda is a derivitive of Emerald. The Emerald.
what dose Esmeralda mean
Esmeralda Leon is 5' 3".