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According to my teacher, interviewers ask you such that question, they wish to hear you telling about the person who taught you to inspired in you some skills, some thought that benefit in your work.

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17y ago
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14y ago

Well I had a few people influence me in life. My pastor, grandparents, and parents are a big help. My pastor is always there to help encourage me in everything I do and to make sure that everything I do is done for the glory of God. My grandparents are like an older version of my parents=) They are there for me and I always have fun with them. They watched me grow up and I love them. My parents are probably my biggest influence. They taught me what I need to know, give me advice when I need it, cared for me my whole life, never ever will give up on me, love me, and I don't know how I would have figured out life without them.

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12y ago

Queen Elizabeth inspired me.Plus, what also inspired me is Amelia Earhart . She made

me wonder where she had gone. Futhermore, the blackhole is also what inspired me.

Finally, the last thing that in Earth.

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